Girls’ School Year 11 HIPE XTREME

HIPE really pulled out all the stops for our wonderful Year 11 girls. They were treated to the most amazing range of activities, under the banner of ‘keeping your balance’.

The week opened with a trip to the Lea Valley where they revelled in the glorious sunshine; enjoying Aqua Bounce and boating and getting thoroughly wet! On their return to school, Jteen spent time talking to the girls, who had been provided with special booklets containing Tephilla, the schedule for the week and space to make notes about ‘keeping your balance’.

Tuesday saw them at Grafham Water, cycling round the lake, as well as bouncing around in Kangoo shoes and creating artwork for GIFT in the late afternoon. Of course, there was pizza!

Thorpe Park beckoned on Wednesday with rides galore and the splashdown thrills of Loggers Leap.

The final event was climbing the O2- a spectacular challenge and finale to the week’s adventures. In the evening there was a Q&A session and a barbeque.

Thank you to all the HIPE team, Mrs Paster and all the staff who accompanied the girls. They all really appreciated every moment of the week.

Trip to Thorpe Park

Eighty-four students from Years 7-9 were rewarded for their high level of attendance at optional after-school kodesh EXTRA learning sessions. Their reward was a day at Thorpe Park, and the glorious sunshine made it extra special!

Their dedication to Kodesh is wonderful: thank you to the Kodesh team for inspiring our students and to the Kodesh EXTRA team for delivering this programme.

The girls had a wonderful day in the sunshine: Eliana A said that she ‘had a whale of a time, particularly enjoying the more stomach churning rides!’ Malka G enjoyed the Zodiac Ride, which was somewhat hair-raising, since there were no seat belts!

The accompanying teachers: Miss Simonsson, Miss Liley, Mrs Epton, and the HIPE team also had a great day in the sun with the girls.

Trip to Gateshead

The impossible became possible thanks to HIPE and Gesher. Year 12 girls were able to go to Gateshead for a Shabbaton! It was a weekend packed with activities, including the thrills of a theme park!

As per tradition, the girls spent the Shabbat meals with the families of the Gateshead community.

It was a wonderful weekend, made all the more special by being so eagerly anticipated.

Boys’ School Music Night

The Music Department held its second Boys’ concert via Zoom and over 70 people attended online.

The concert offered a wide variety of music and genres, from solo piano pieces to guitar and voice, plus guitar solos and a GCSE Year 11 composition performance. The performers ranged from Years 7-12 and, for some of our younger students it was the first time they had performed in public.

Huge Mazal Tov to all our wonderful young men who took great pride in their performances and worked so hard to prepare!

Thank you to the wonderful Mr Tutty who was the trusted technician and moral support in both the rehearsals and the running of the concert. Huge thanks to all the peripatetic staff for helping our students to achieve the high standard of playing that we heard last night.

Next concert – LIVE in the school hall as life returns to normal!

Hasmonean Success

Ariella G from Year 11 has been chosen as one of only 20 students worldwide to be invited to the M.I.T √MathROOTS summer programme in Boston.  This is a fantastic achievement by Ariella who deserves our warmest congratulations.

Y13 Graduation Girls

This year our Year 13 students were able to enjoy an almost normal graduation celebration. The planning was led by the Head Girl team who were keen to create a mix between formal and informal. The aim was to celebrate togetherness after having spent so much time apart in the past 14 months.

The evening began with the parents joining on zoom to hear Mrs Brice, Rabbi Golker, Tova Sharman (our Head Girl), Ms Valencia, and Mr McClusky celebrate the class of 2021. The themes of resilience, friendship and Hasmonean creating a foundation to build on were all touched upon. Ms Valencia managed to hold back the tears but it was a close call.

The HIPE team stepped up to organise the food with pizza, sushi and salads galore. They also had warm chocolatey crepes and our very own mocktail barman with a spectacular array of glass throwing tricks, as well as a superb range of mocktails.

Being Hasmo girls, there was plenty of impromptu singing and dancing. It was a very special evening, one which will be remembered by our girls for years to come.

Thank you to Ms Valencia for spearheading this year’s graduation.

Twitter: An Interfaith Workshop

Twitter – the multimillion-dollar, microblogging, social network famous for its tweets – has almost 353 million active users per month and almost 6,000 tweets are posted every second. But, just how was Twitter created and run? How did it all begin? This is what some Year 8 girls found out on Monday 24th May during an online Interfaith Twitter Coding Workshop.

Every year, a group of Year 8 girls are selected to go and take part in a workshop at the Twitter HQ, however this year, being the strange year it is, the workshop was online. After a few technical difficulties, we – the eager partakers – logged on to Zoom, eager to participate and begin. To start off the workshop, Twitter coders showed us a sneaky trick of how to individually edit any website (only on our individual screen though, – don’t worry, we didn’t actually hack any websites!) We learnt that even though this is a fun tool, we should also be wary of this ability as it can be used in negative ways too. For example, someone could edit a tweet on their screen, screenshot it and post it on another social platform, like Instagram or Facebook. Before you know it, hundreds, if not thousands, of people could have viewed this fake tweet, so it is always best to check the actual source, in this case, Twitter.

As it was an interfaith workshop, we were put into groups with girls from an interfaith school alongside a Twitter coder. Within the groups, we began to learn the basics of creating a website using HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and basic CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). HTML is the skeleton of the website and CSS is the clothing and decoration on top. We created our website using an online coding website (called using these two programming languages. We could choose any subject we wanted – animals and food were particularly popular! Our allocated Twitter coders provided us with a website with useful information about HTML and how to add to your website. To begin with, we learnt how to add a basic title and body of text. Then, we added images and were taught how to change the size of them. The next step was the beginning of using CSS to make the website look better overall. We altered the background colour, text colour and font, and even added borders to text and images.

By the end of the first half of the workshop, most of us were close to finishing our websites, so after adding a few final touches, we ‘gathered’ back together and shared our finished creations. It was amazing just how much we learnt in the one session!

After this, the workers had set aside time for a detailed Q&A on any questions we had about the culture or what it is like to work at Twitter. Extremely interesting questions were answered giving us a direct, elaborate insight on having a job at Twitter. It was extremely fascinating to hear the workers’ views on what responsibilities their job held.

To end off this phenomenal day, we had a talk on safety in the company and how you can block any unwanted hashtags or usernames coming up in your feed. The session was enjoyed thoroughly; even though it was via zoom, the workers along with the teachers from Hasmonean and the other interfaith school that joined us really made the most out of it being online. It really was an unforgettable day and an incredible experience. Thank you to those who helped make it possible for us to join – we are grateful that we had the opportunity to take part in the workshop.

By Ariella Masters and Sara Benaim

Girls’ School – Kodesh Extra

On Wednesday, girls from Years 7-10 went on their Kodesh EXTRA reward trip of ice-skating at Alexandra Palace. This is a reward that the Kodesh department run annually for high-level attendance at the optional Kodesh EXTRA lunchtime programme. They had an amazing time, swirling on the ice and enjoying the freedom of movement.

Thank you to Miss Simonsson, Mrs Waugh and Mrs Canoville for organising and supervising.

Royal Academy of Arts Young Artists’ Summer Show

Sophia Goldman’s artwork has been selected for the Royal Academy of Arts Young Artists’ Summer Show. Her piece, entitled ‘One Body, One Soul’, has been selected from thousands of applicants to be included in the gallery display at the Royal Academy of Arts in London (in addition to the online gallery), running from 13th July to 8th August:

Girls’ School Mental Health Awareness Week

On Wednesday, the Year 7 and 8 girls enjoyed a wonderful mental health event, created by their Year Leader, Ms Liley. The focus was on the environment and our mental health. The two are intertwined as without the beautiful, green environment our mental health can suffer.

After Rosh Chodesh Tefilla and Tehillim for the situation in Israel, 14 groups of girls headed to the hill in order to build tents. They had great fun doing this, working in pre-selected teams, so that they could get to know different girls. The great outdoors featured prominently in the morning’s activities as they also went litter picking and watched a video about the impact of plastic on the environment.

There was a wellbeing session after lunch, followed by a creative moment of painting ceramic plates with emblems of nature. The final session was listening to the Dr Seuss’ tale of the Lorax, read by Rik Mayall.

In all, this was a fabulous day out of the classroom, in the fresh air and being able to focus on the world around us. It was a tonic for everyone: seeing the girls laughing as the wielded their litter pickers in the sunshine certainly showed the value of these events.