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Editorial – 09.06.2022

Dear Parent/Carer Above and Beyond Poor bar mitzva boy! If Parshas Nasso is your sedra, it’s the longest single sedra in the whole Torah. A whopping 176 pessukim. (The truth is the repetition of pesukim with the nesi’im bringing identical korbonos does make it easier!) It is striking to note that the longest chapter in […]

Beyond The Label

Two of Hasmonean’s Year 12 students, Adina R and Shira G, joined forces with GIFT to create a wonderful evening celebrating women and diversity. The concept of the show was their GIFT Midrasha class project. Called “Beyond the Label”, it showcased a very diverse range of nineteen models from the community. Students, Kisharon clients and […]

Boys’ School Trip to The Imperial War Museum

Our Year 9 boys recently spent a day at the Imperial War Museum. One of the activities they took part in was ‘documentary challenge’, which involved filming their own mini documentaries in the First World War exhibition. The boys thought the Second World War galleries were really interesting and particularly enjoyed the ‘real life’ experience […]

Scholars Programme Graduation

On Monday 16th May, Mr Markiewicz and Mr Simberg had the pleasure of taking some of our Year 10 and Year 11 students to King’s University. The boys had spent a hard term working on the Scholars Programme which meant that they worked closely with a PhD scholar, studying and researching her area of expertise, […]

Editorial 26.05.2022

Dear Parents and Carers, I would like to share with you two highlights of my week. The first was reading a letter from parents about the girls’ Poland trip that was sent to the trip leaders, Rebbetzin Taylor, Mrs Waugh, Miss Gelley, Miss Rabson and Rabbi Bennett: We just wanted to express our profound gratitude […]

Lag B’Omer

With bright sunshine and blue skies, Hasmonean set off on its Lag B’Omer adventures. A plethora of coaches took the girls to Chessington where they had a wonderful day enjoying the rides and just being able to hang out and enjoy unstructured time together. They all received green wristbands with emergency number, HIPE Chessington stickers […]

Editorial 19.05.2022

Dear Parent, The first exam season for three years is successfully underway and we hope for a good outcome when the results are published. It seems from their general demeanour, that for most of our students, the arrival of exams has actually come as a relief. This is hardly surprising as we have a tendency […]

Year 12 Early Entry Day – Girls’ School

On Friday 6th May, our Year 12 girls had a series of workshops dedicated to providing guidance and insight into Medical, Dentistry, Veterinary, and Oxbridge applications. A massive thank you to Mrs Langdon for her session on how to navigate admissions exams. We also had external visitors who came to talk to the girls. Dr […]