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On a sunny Thursday afternoon, the entire cohort of Year 9 girls walked to the Unitas Youth Zone in Burnt Oak. This centre is a new initiative for local youth, and our girls had been given the chance to try out the activities. These included: boxing, dodgeball, climbing, tag rugby, bracelet making, dance, art, music […]

Yom Iyun

It’s not all about the Cheesecake! Learning continued at Hasmonean High School for Girls with an inspirational Yom Iyun run by Rabbi Bennett. The girls chose from 10 different tracks, ranging from high level text based learning with Rabbi Golker, Rabbi Silverman, Miss Simonsson and Miss Goldblatt to creative activities which included drama, media, art […]

Editorial 06/06/2019

Dear Parents, We would like to highlight to any members of the Chomesh L’Chinuch kehillohs (GGBH, Hendon Adass, Beis Yisroel, Beis Shmuel and Edgware Adass) that we have been informed by the community funding for school’s charity – Chomesh L’Chinuch, that there is a special Shavous sign-up bonus worth up to £1,250 per donor. This […]

Shavuot Girls Learning

Hasmonean Girls received the Torah in their own way in the week preceding Shavuot. On Tuesday evening Rebbetzin Shalvie Friedman and Miss Simonsson led a chavruta based learning session for daughters, mothers, friends and alumnae to join together to delve into a range of texts and learn about the real meaning of humility. There was […]

Editorial 23/5/2019

We are now deep into exam season. The Year 7s have nearly completed their first set of exams while the Year 11 and 13 are facing the rigours of GCSEs and A Levels. At school there is always a delicate balancing act about the message to be sent out about the importance of exams. On […]

Sivan Rahav Meir

As part of Mizrachi’s weekend of inspiration, Israeli television presenter, journalist and Torah educator Sivan Rahav-Meir spoke to the girls during their Friday morning assembly. Mrs Rahav-Meir is no ordinary journalist; she is a religious woman who lives in Jerusalem with her husband and their five children. Mrs Rahav-Meir has interviewed public figures across Israeli […]

Simon Quinn from The UK Space Agency

On Friday afternoon the girls were privileged to hear from Simon Quinn from The UK Space Agency. Mr Quinn spoke to the girls about the proposed plans NASA has to send humans to Mars by 2030. He spoke about getting into space, how a rocket works, how orbits work, about going to Mars and what […]

Editorial 16/05/2019

Dear Parents, Please find below links to letters relating to proposed changes to the school day from September 2019 for the Girls’ and the Boys’ schools. The letter relating to the Boys’ School can be found here The letter relating to the Girls’ School can be found here Please note that the content of the […]

Yom Hazikaron

Before the joy of celebrating Yom HaAtzmaut, there was the commemoration of Yom HaZikaron. In assembly, Rabbi Silverman told a story of a Jewish soldier who fought in the German Army during World War One for a regime that would turn on his people. He reminded the girls that for two millennia, Jews have had […]

Yom HaAzmaut – 71 years young!

There was with joy and excitement at Hasmonean High School for Girls: The morning began with a heartfelt Tefila. Rabbi Silverman gave a short speech about living the reality of a life in Israel – the meaning and the joy of having a homeland after so many years. This is what we were celebrating. After […]