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Christchurch College Oxford

Several Year 12 girls attended an educational tour of Christchurch College Oxford on Tuesday 10th May to understand the application process, entry requirements, as well as the life of an undergraduate in one of the world’s top universities. Girls from Year 12 with aspirations to study at Oxbridge were invited to attend the Oxford College […]

Imperial War Museum Trip

Our Year 9 students spent a very enjoyable and interesting day last week at the Imperial War Museum (IWM). The whole year group was invited to attend, regardless of whether they are studying for GCSE History or not. The IWM is a wonderful museum which really brings the experience of war to life. It is […]

Editorial 12.05.2022

Dear Parents, This week’s parsha, Emor, teaches us that the holiness which we should aspire to reach is not a stable state of being: on the contrary, it is an elevated status that needs to be safeguarded and sanctified. We can only be holy as long as we behave accordingly. Hence, as long as the […]

Editorial 05.05.2022

Dear Parents and Carers, Making Our Days Count Chazal teach that the period of Sefiras Ha’Omer is meant to be one of introspection and growth. I once heard an insightful question on the Omer from Rabbi Zev Leff shlita. Rabbi Leff noted that there seems to be a contradiction in the way we count. We […]

Editorial 28.04.2022

Dear Parents and Carers, Some time ago, I commissioned an independent review of our provision for students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) with the aim of improving this area to ensure that we are prioritising the needs of students with SEND and are a fully inclusive institution. To fully abide by our ethos […]

Boys’ School – Jubilee Garden

Mrs Katz spearheaded the creation of a new Platinum Jubilee Garden at the back of the Music/Art room at the Boys’ School. The boys really enjoyed planting the garden and worked hard to make a beautiful calming area for everyone to use. Some of the plants are herbs and can be used to make tea […]

Football Marathon for Ukraine

Over a dozen Year 13 Hasmonean boys played in a gruelling 12-hour football marathon at Power League on Sunday 24th April to raise money for the Jews in Ukraine through World Jewish Relief. Despite being somewhat sore, they raised over £6000 at the time of writing. Zachy Sager was the driving force behind this football […]

Yashar Careers Fair

Just before the Pesach holidays, Mr Rivers-Davis organised the first in-person Yashar Careers Fair for two years. Business people from a wide range of trades such as accountancy, advertising, building, law, medicine, and plumbing gave their time to come to the Girls’ School hall and meet with students from Years 10-13. Pupils and parents had […]