Editorial 2nd July 2020

Dear Hasmonean Community,


We did it! We have exceeded our £1.6m target!


On behalf of everyone at Hasmonean, thank you so much, so much.


The collective power of the Hasmonean community never ceases to amaze, a power that is in its achdut.  To witness the tremendous vision, skill and conviction within our Fundraising Committee, composed mainly of governors, trustees and parents, utterly focussed on safeguarding this amazing institution, is truly humbling. We are so grateful to all of the parents, staff, students, alumni, governors and trustees who played their part in this communal effort.


Our families, communities and alumni have risen to support us in our time of need. They have demonstrated the value that they put on a good education and the trust that they have in Hasmonean to deliver. We stand in awe of their kindness and support, give thanks that we can continue to provide for our children’s futures, and pray that we will now move from strength to strength, offering every child what they need to grow to become inspired and upstanding members of Am Yisrael.


Our sincere thanks to the matched funders, the pillars of the Hasmonean community:

Simon and Louise Abraham

Families Goldberg

Sharon and Daniel Green

Investream Charitable Trust

Shuli and Feigy Lerner

Family Noé

Katie and Ben Shooter

and those who wish to remain anonymous


Our deep thanks to the core Fundraising Committee who are governors/ Trustees or Members of the MAT: 

Mrs Jacqueline Benjamin – co-leader of last year’s campaign and lynchpin of this campaign

Mr Steven Blumgart – tireless supporter and preserver of all that is precious about Hasmonean

Mr Jonny Feinmesser – co-leader of last year’s campaign and lynchpin of this campaign

Mr Daniel Green – tireless supporter and preserver of all that is precious about Hasmonean

Mr Yossi Halberstadt – tireless campaigner for Hasmonean

Mr Maurice Klajman – tireless campaigner for Hasmonean

Mr Daniel Lyons – media strategist and tireless supporter of the schools

Mr Ben Shooter – Chair of The Fundraising Committee who has now raised an incredible £7.3m for Hasmonean


Our sincere thanks to parents, staff and alumni:

Mrs Jodi Benaim – Preserve What’s Precious Campaign Chairperson who has worked tirelessly on this campaign

Mrs Julie Goldberg  – new member of the committee who has who has given so much for this cause

Mrs Miriam Landau – new member of the committee who has who has given so much for this cause

Mr Joshua Lyons – media strategist

Mrs Dawn Murray – our tireless and wonderful co-ordinator upon whom we all depend

… and the whole team including Mr Yiannis Oskis and Mrs Harris Ellis who helped behind the scenes.


Our heartfelt thanks to all of the ambassadors, team leaders and donors. Without your energy, enthusiasm, commitment, none of this would have been possible.


Our genuine and long-lasting thanks to:

Our Elector Rabbonim Rabbi Greenberg and Rabbi Bixenspanner and to all the communal rabbonim who supported our campaign.


Special thanks to:

Rabbi Greenebrg, Rabbi Zobin and Mr and Mrs Kanzen who spoke at our launch event.


Together, we have preserved what is precious.


With sincere, deep and heartfelt thanks to all,


Gary Swabel – Chair, Hasmonean MA

Andrew McClusky – CEO, Hasmonean MAT



This is a reminder that next Thursday, 9th July is a Fast Day and school will finish for all students at lunchtime.

Editorial 25th June 2020

Dear Parents,


On Wednesday, to mark their virtual graduation in the evening, Mrs Paster, Mrs Hamer and the Informal HIPE team organised a special treat for the Y13 girls. A float was hired and decorated with a banners and balloons and it went round to every girl’s house. Each girl was presented with a box of goodies and a short speech was made in her honour to the accompaniment of music from the float. The event was carefully choreographed to ensure that social distancing was maintained and the staff followed the float in their own cars.  The sun shone and the delight on the faces of the girls and their parents spoke volumes about how important this gesture was to them which was funded from private donations and the HIPE budget.  The day ended with a very successful graduation event on zoom with live speeches and a beautifully constructed video put together by Hannah Benaim, the outgoing Head Girl, and her friends. This was composed of good wishes from the teachers, the girls’ memories  of their time at school and good wishes from some illustrious celebrities.


It was really inspiring to see how a thoughtful gesture could have such an impact and huge thanks are due to the members of HIPE- Racheli Wagner, Shira Rabson and Hodaya Schiff for their tireless energy in making this happen under the careful direction of Mrs Paster and Mrs Hamer. A short video of the event can be seen here:



Mrs Katherine Brice

Headteacher: Girls’ School





Dear Parents,


On Tuesday morning you may have received an email regarding voluntary contributions. Due to a computer malfunction, this email was sent to you in error. Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience caused.


Should you have any queries relating to voluntary contributions, please contact Ms J Alleyne via email on j.alleyne@hasmonean.co.uk


Kind regards,


Ms T Luke

Acting Head of Finance & Premises

Editorial 18th June 2020

Dear Parents,


The response from the community to Tuesday night’s message has been amazing, with more and more parents signing up every day to become our Team Leader for our Fundraising campaign.


For those who were not able to attend, we hope that you have now had an opportunity to view the Zoom recording and feel empowered to sign up as a team leader.  The link to do this is here.


With 10 days to go until the live campaign opens on the Charidy platform, there’s no time like the present to get calling, messaging and tweeting your friends, family, colleagues and associates.  Who will be on your list?  Can you ask 4 or 5 parents that you know to be team leaders?  We can ALL make a difference!


We really need every family to form a team, play their part and help the cause. Thank you so much to all those families that have already signed up. To those that have not yet signed up, we really need your support as well.


If you have any questions, please email 2020campaign@hasmonean.co.uk and we will get back to you as soon as we can.


Thank you in advance for your support!


Kind regards,


The 2020 Campaign Team


Editorial – 11th June 2020

Dear Parents,


As we explained last week, the government’s intention for the next phase is that ‘face-to-face support [should] supplement the remote education of Year 10 and Year 12 pupils, which should remain the predominant mode of education during this term for pupils in these year groups.” At Hasmonean, face-to-face online learning began to take place soon after lockdown and we significantly increased our face-to-face provision from June 1st.


We continue to risk assess a number of different models to bring in Year 10 and 12 pupils to supplement their online learning. To run regular lessons is not possible: a maximum of 25% are allowed in at any one time and we do not have enough teachers within each subject to teach classes small enough to enable the strict social distancing that is required to take place. We also have to bear in mind that the teachers who are supervising students in school cannot teach their online lessons at the same time which will have an adverse impact on the learning of the vast majority of students who are not in school each day. We are treading carefully so as not to disrupt the online provision that is now the bedrock of our children’s learning.


We will risk-assess and consult on our plans, and will share them in the next week or so. However, in the meantime, please be assured that children will continue to follow the online timetables to ensure that they benefit from a high standard of education. Details of next week’s HHCT Kodesh programme will sent to you as normal by Rabbi Golker tomorrow.


Wishing you a good Shabbos and a relaxing weekend,



Mr A McClusky – CEO, Hasmonean MAT

Mrs D Lebrett – Headteacher, Hasmonean Boys’ School

Mrs K Brice – Headteacher Hasmonean Girls’ School

Rabbi J Golker – Menahel, Hasmonean MAT



Editorial – 4th June 2020

Dear Parents,


We hope that you had an enjoyable Shavuot and that you and your families are well.


Thank you so much to the very high number of parents who joined our Zoom meeting about online learning on Monday. It was very heart-warming to receive so many expressions of thanks for the effort our staff are putting into digital learning. While we know what we are doing is not perfect, we are certainly trying to offer the best education possible in the current circumstances and will continue to monitor and adjust our provision in the light of the feedback we receive.


On June 1st we re-opened both schools in response to the increased demand to educate vulnerable children and the children of key workers. We now have a small number of students in both schools who are being supported by our staff with their online learning timetables.


The government’s most recent advice in regard to the wider re-opening of secondary schools is as follows:


Face-to-face support [should] supplement the remote education of year 10 and year 12 pupils, which should remain the predominant mode of education during this term for pupils in these year groups. Our assessment, based on the latest scientific and medical advice, is that we need to continue to control the numbers attending school to reduce the risk of increasing transmission. Therefore, schools are able to have a quarter of the year 10 and year 12 cohort (for schools with sixth forms) in school at any one time.


Unlike many schools, and thanks to the generosity of our Trustees, Hasmonean is in the fortunate position of being able to ensure that all of our children have access to digital devices. The new online learning timetables also ensure that children in all year groups are benefitting from face-face teaching.


However, we are currently discussing amongst ourselves and with Headteachers from other schools how we can supplement our face-to-face provision for Year 10 and 12 in school. This is a far from straightforward process. Only one quarter of these year groups is allowed in school at any one time and class sizes will need to be very small to enable us to observe strict social distancing rules. We also need to ensure that we can sustain our online learning programme for students who continue to learn remotely so that they do not miss out. The government has also asked – for very understandable reasons – that a comprehensive risk assessment be undertaken before any wider re-opening is undertaken and for consultation to take place with the various unions, as well as with trustees and parents to ensure that children and staff are kept as safe as possible.


We will publish our plans so that you can see them in advance as soon as we are able to do so. However, in the meantime, please be assured that children will continue to follow the online timetables to ensure that they benefit from a high standard of education.




Wishing you a good Shabbos and a relaxing weekend,



Mr A McClusky – CEO, Hasmonean MAT

Mrs D Lebrett – Headteacher, Hasmonean Boys’ School

Mrs K Brice – Headteacher Hasmonean Girls’ School

Rabbi J Golker – Menahel, Hasmonean MAT

Editorial 21st May 2020

Dear Parents,


Please check your child’s relevant year group in eNews for a letter relating to increased online education from June 1st in response to the online surveys we recently carried out. This was also emailed out earlier today.


We are delighted that our teachers have familiarised themselves with our online learning platforms so quickly and are increasing the provision within such a short timeframe, especially given that many of them are working from home in challenging circumstances. Our provision will be reviewed and refined further, if need be, over the coming weeks to ensure that it is as effective as possible.


With best wishes,


Mr A McClusky – CEO, Hasmonean MAT

Mrs D Lebrett – Headteacher, Hasmonean Boys’ School

Mrs K Brice – Headteacher Hasmonean Girls’ School

Rabbi J Golker – Menahel, Hasmonean MAT

Editorial 14th May 2020

Dear Parents,

Government Guidance Regarding Schools Re-opening

If the Government’s five key tests are met, secondary schools will be able to facilitate face-to-face contact for Year 10 and Year 12 before the summer break.  We are very keen to have your children back in school. However, we also need to manage this in a way which keeps them and our staff as safe as possible. The local authority are working on information, guidance and risk assessments for Barnet schools and we will be in touch with you again about our plans in due course.

Online Learning Surveys

We are grateful to you, your children and our teachers for completing our survey about online learning. There were many positive comments which is encouraging. We will be taking onboard the many helpful suggestions from staff, parents and students about online learning and producing an action plan to further refine the way in which we teach online.


Whereas 70% of parents thought that the amount of Kodesh being offered by the Hasmonean Charitable Trust programme was ‘about right’, 69% of parents and around half of students desired an increased amount of secular lessons. We will now be working with staff to find the best way to manage this, balancing the need to provide the best possible education with the fact that staff are teaching online from home, having to juggle home and work commitments until schools and childcare facilities return to normal.


Key Workers and Parents of Vulnerable Children

With lockdown partially lifting, we are aware that an increased number of parents may now need us to supervise their children in school.  Please be aware that the provision in school will be the same as that provided to students studying at home.  If you are a parent who is a key worker or a parent of a vulnerable child who now wishes their child to attend school, please inform the relevant headteacher:


Mrs Brice (Girls’ School): k.brice@hasmonean.co.uk

Mrs Lebrett (Boys’ School): d.lebrett@hasmonean.co.uk


Wishing you a good Shabbos and a relaxing weekend,


Mr A McClusky – CEO, Hasmonean MAT

Mrs D Lebrett – Headteacher, Hasmonean Boys’ School

Mrs K Brice – Headteacher Hasmonean Girls’ School

Rabbi J Golker – Menahel, Hasmonean MAT


Editorial – 7th May 2020

Dear Parents,

As we mentioned in our eNews editorial last week, we are seeking feedback from staff, parents and students on how the digital launch is working for everyone.

We will listen to all of the feedback from our surveys and refine our online timetable and teaching in the light of it. However, we will need to bear in mind that each family is in a very different position, as indeed are our teachers, and any refinements will need to take this into consideration.

We would really appreciate it if as many of you as possible could complete the parent survey. Even if you don’t have strong feelings on the matter, we would still like to hear your views to ensure that we have a representative view of how online learning plans are being received.

You can let us know about your views here: https://forms.gle/UdDvwqytDaLCqDGH8

We would really appreciate it if you could let us have your feedback by the end of Monday 11th May.

Surveys will be sent out to students and staff separately.

Please note that Kodesh provision will be available as timetabled tomorrow, Friday 8th May. We are deeply grateful to our Kodesh staff for continuing to teach on the May Day bank holiday. Details of next week’s Kodesh programme are being sent separately.

With best wishes,

Mr A McClusky – CEO, Hasmonean MAT

Mrs D Lebrett – Headteacher, Hasmonean Boys’ School

Mrs K Brice – Headteacher Hasmonean Girls’ School

Rabbi J Golker – Menahel, Hasmonean MAT

Editorial 30th April 2020

Dear Parents,

Chidon HaTanach – Success for Batsheva Schwab

Firstly, we would like to give Batsheva Schwab our warmest congratulations on making it to the final of the international Bible quiz which took place yesterday. We are very, very proud of her for representing the school so magnificently and incredibly grateful to Rabbi Silverman, Miss Simonsson and everyone in the Kodesh department who supported her to perform at this level. We are so, so delighted for her and her teachers. What a fabulous achievement!

Our New Digital World

We are approaching the end of a week in which the Multi-Academy Trust launched G Suite to run a new timetable of secular lessons and The Hasmonean High School Charitable Trust launched a new and exciting summer Kodesh programme.

We would like to thank all staff for leaping into our brave new digital world. We really are grateful to them for engaging with the training that has been offered and for being willing to ‘go live’ so soon afterwards. Their goodwill in these challenging times is never taken for granted.

We would like to remind you that they, like us, are familiarising themselves with G Suite’s functions. Consequently, the online delivery is not yet being delivered as smoothly as we hope it will be when we have all had more opportunity to use the platform.

We will soon be seeking feedback from staff, parents and students on how the digital launch is working for everyone. We would like as many of you as possible to send us feedback and will be sending out links to surveys next week. We will listen to all of the feedback from our surveys and refine our online timetable and teaching in the light of it. However, we will need to bear in mind that each family is in a very different position, as indeed are our teachers, and any refinements will need to take this into consideration.

In the meantime, if you wish to receive help or have any queries in regard to digital learning, please email: help@hasmonean.co.uk and we will be in touch to support you.

Finally, we would like to thank you once again for your patience and understanding during our launch.

With best wishes,

Mr A McClusky – CEO, Hasmonean MAT

Mrs D Lebrett – Headteacher, Hasmonean Boys’ School

Mrs K Brice – Headteacher Hasmonean Girls’ School

Rabbi J Golker – Menahel, Hasmonean MAT

Editorial – 23rd April 2020

Dear Parents,


We hope you are well and would like to begin once again by apologising for the amount of information we wish to share with you. The good news is that we are ready to launch our new G Suite digital learning platform and that the Hasmonean High School Charitable Trust is ready to launch an exciting and inspiring summer Kodesh programme.


We will be emailing three separate letters to parents today:​

  • A letter to parents who have children in Years 7, 8, 9, 10 or 12
  • A letter to parents who have children in Year 11
  • A letter to parents who have children in Year 13


They will include important information about:

  • Our plans for the launch of the G Suite digital learning platform from Monday 27th April for Years 7-12. This includes how your children can access their timetables for online learning, each of their online classes and the work which will be set to support their learning.
  • Information for Year 11 about their GCSE and BTEC results, re-sit examinations​, studies this term and plans for them to commence their A Level/ BTEC studies from next week.
  • Information for Year 13 about their A Level and BTEC results, re-sit examinations, university applications and how they will be supported by the school.


Please ensure that you pass on the information that you will receive in these letters to your children to enable them to access their online learning materials.


Please do bear in mind that staff have only very recently been trained in how to use G Suite.  Ordinarily we would have a much longer period to train staff and transition to this new platform. However, given that we want to provide students with the benefits that this platform can bring as quickly as possible, we have chosen to launch it sooner rather than later. Please bear with our teachers as they familiarise themselves with all of its functions: we are incredibly grateful to them for embracing this new technology at such short notice. We will also be monitoring students’ timetables and will be able to adjust it as we receive feedback from staff, parents and students.


A letter was sent to all parents yesterday about how we can support your children with their mental health and well-being.


Tomorrow, you will receive extremely exciting news about a summer Kodesh programme run by the Hasmonean High School Charitable Trust and an important message from the Trustees of Hasmonean Multi-Academy Trust.


With kind regards,


Mr A McClusky – CEO, Hasmonean MAT

Mrs D Lebrett – Headteacher, Hasmonean Boys’ School

Mrs K Brice – Headteacher Hasmonean Girls’ School

Rabbi J Golker – Menahel, Hasmonean MAT