Editorial – 11th June 2020

Dear Parents,


As we explained last week, the government’s intention for the next phase is that ‘face-to-face support [should] supplement the remote education of Year 10 and Year 12 pupils, which should remain the predominant mode of education during this term for pupils in these year groups.” At Hasmonean, face-to-face online learning began to take place soon after lockdown and we significantly increased our face-to-face provision from June 1st.


We continue to risk assess a number of different models to bring in Year 10 and 12 pupils to supplement their online learning. To run regular lessons is not possible: a maximum of 25% are allowed in at any one time and we do not have enough teachers within each subject to teach classes small enough to enable the strict social distancing that is required to take place. We also have to bear in mind that the teachers who are supervising students in school cannot teach their online lessons at the same time which will have an adverse impact on the learning of the vast majority of students who are not in school each day. We are treading carefully so as not to disrupt the online provision that is now the bedrock of our children’s learning.


We will risk-assess and consult on our plans, and will share them in the next week or so. However, in the meantime, please be assured that children will continue to follow the online timetables to ensure that they benefit from a high standard of education. Details of next week’s HHCT Kodesh programme will sent to you as normal by Rabbi Golker tomorrow.


Wishing you a good Shabbos and a relaxing weekend,



Mr A McClusky – CEO, Hasmonean MAT

Mrs D Lebrett – Headteacher, Hasmonean Boys’ School

Mrs K Brice – Headteacher Hasmonean Girls’ School

Rabbi J Golker – Menahel, Hasmonean MAT