Editorial 30th April 2020

Dear Parents,

Chidon HaTanach – Success for Batsheva Schwab

Firstly, we would like to give Batsheva Schwab our warmest congratulations on making it to the final of the international Bible quiz which took place yesterday. We are very, very proud of her for representing the school so magnificently and incredibly grateful to Rabbi Silverman, Miss Simonsson and everyone in the Kodesh department who supported her to perform at this level. We are so, so delighted for her and her teachers. What a fabulous achievement!

Our New Digital World

We are approaching the end of a week in which the Multi-Academy Trust launched G Suite to run a new timetable of secular lessons and The Hasmonean High School Charitable Trust launched a new and exciting summer Kodesh programme.

We would like to thank all staff for leaping into our brave new digital world. We really are grateful to them for engaging with the training that has been offered and for being willing to ‘go live’ so soon afterwards. Their goodwill in these challenging times is never taken for granted.

We would like to remind you that they, like us, are familiarising themselves with G Suite’s functions. Consequently, the online delivery is not yet being delivered as smoothly as we hope it will be when we have all had more opportunity to use the platform.

We will soon be seeking feedback from staff, parents and students on how the digital launch is working for everyone. We would like as many of you as possible to send us feedback and will be sending out links to surveys next week. We will listen to all of the feedback from our surveys and refine our online timetable and teaching in the light of it. However, we will need to bear in mind that each family is in a very different position, as indeed are our teachers, and any refinements will need to take this into consideration.

In the meantime, if you wish to receive help or have any queries in regard to digital learning, please email: help@hasmonean.co.uk and we will be in touch to support you.

Finally, we would like to thank you once again for your patience and understanding during our launch.

With best wishes,

Mr A McClusky – CEO, Hasmonean MAT

Mrs D Lebrett – Headteacher, Hasmonean Boys’ School

Mrs K Brice – Headteacher Hasmonean Girls’ School

Rabbi J Golker – Menahel, Hasmonean MAT