Update from the Chair of Hasmonean Multi-Academy Trust Board

Dear Parents,

It is great to have all of the children back in school and as we approach Pesach, I’d like to give you a quick update.

As you would expect, the lockdown affected different families in different ways. Educationally we hit the ground running at the beginning of January and all in all the digital support that our schools provided worked really well; compared to many other schools/children we are in a really good place. Thank you to parents for your really positive feedback and support.

I mentioned back in January some of the investments that we have been making and during lockdown these really began to pay dividends:


  • Building Jewish Identity: The efforts of the HIPE informal ed team have been awesome. They proved a social and emotional lifeline for our children, and this will be even better now that we are back.
  • 21stCentury Teaching and Learning: The Chromebook roll-out, Google class and breakout rooms, and the training that we gave staff fundamentally changed the way students learned and kept the wheels on the bus. We have now appointed a number of Digital Learning Leads in different faculties, two Digital Co-ordinators to oversee them and a Senior Digital Lead to transform things further by pioneering the best teaching techniques and digital learning resources. This will consolidate our position as one of the leaders in the UK in harnessing ed tech for the good of our students.
  • Personal Spiritual Growth: We have appointed Rabbi Dov Birnbaum from SEED to make the Girls’ Midrasha a world leader in Jewish young women’s education. Additionally, we have appointed our very own and much-loved R Yehudah Hager to develop and lead a personal spiritual mentoring programme at the Boys’ school. It is so important that we are building individual one-to-one relationships, providing students with a listening ear and individual care and attention focussed on where they are at, supporting them as they grow and develop into young adults.

We can only do this if you continue to invest in our school. As of the end of February Chiyuv Chinuch contributions were £251k below where they need to be.

If you work with us, we can make Hasmonean an awesome place to learn and a nurturing environment that will build the foundation of our community. If you can pay your CCs in full and have yet to do so, please do so now. If you can’t pay in full, please pay what you can and prioritise the investment in your children’s education.

Finally, whilst we may be behind where we need to be we must still recognise the contribution of all those who give what they can. To this end the Hasmonean Charitable Trust are planning the launch of a great initiative to celebrate the success provided by your Chiyuv Chinuch support. Watch this space…..

Wishing you a chag kasher v’sameach,

Gary Swabel

Chair of Hasmonean Multi-Academy Trust Board



EDITORIAL 18/3/2021


Dear Parents,


As we come to the end of another extraordinary term – who would have thought that schools would have become testing centres?


I was thinking about what there is left to say about our situation. Then I went to the latest Bat Mitzvah celebration in school and heard the lovely song which the girls have written for their teachers. It says it all:


Lockdown is different

Distances between

School closed is not as simple as it seems

Hasmo’s always here

In me they believe

Together as a family, even virtually

Teachers help me to be brave, staff that makes me fight each wave

I don’t have to be afraid; they help me believe


Hasmo is my home

And wherever we’re from

We unite under the same sun

It is where we belong

School helps us be strong

As we face the unknown


You can call it Hasmo

They help when in need

And where should I be without your care for me

When drowning in an ocean, deeper than the sea

Our teachers make possible impossibility


Never was there a school

That the staff don’t back down

Hasmo’s pride is with me and I hope it always will

It’s Page Street our place

Just imagine a space

Where hate has been erased

It’s not hard if you try


Wishing you all a chag Pesach samech.

Best wishes,


Mrs K Brice

Headteacher – Girls’ School


Editorial 11/3/2021

One of the striking things about this week’s double sedra is that it is all very familiar! Indeed, we read about the Mishkan and the Bigdei Kehuna (clothes for the Kohanim) only two and three weeks ago. Why the exhaustive repetition?

The Ramban (Shemos 36,8) explains that there is a difference between instruction and action. First the Torah gives a general and then detailed command and that is followed by action and an account of the work itself and the finished product.

There is an important message here. Too often there is a disconnect between theory and practice, between instruction and action. Perhaps the long repetition of Vayakhel and Pekudei is to teach us this very point. That Judaism is not just a theology but a “Toras Chaim”, a very detailed, real and beautiful way of life.

This is a message that we try hard to live by at Hasmonean and instil in our students. One of the exciting additions to life in school in recent months has been the introduction of the HIPE teams at the boys’ and girls’ schools. Supplementing our kodesh provision, they have breathed a new dimension and energy into the corridors at Hasmonean. Together with our amazing Kodesh staff, they show that there is theory and practice, and that Torah is not just learned, but lived and loved.

I salute our wonderful HIPE educators and all our amazing kodesh staff and thank you all for supporting our Purim campaigns.

Good Shabbos

Rabbi Golker


Editorial 4/3/2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

The return to school from March 8th for all students

We look forward to welcoming your children back to school!

We are aware that students will need to time to adjust to begin back in school and we will be arranging a series of pastoral and wellbeing session to support them to reintegrate. Training has also been given by Noa Girls on the language staff should use to support children during this process.

All students (who have consented/ whose parents have consented to be tested) should have received their first lateral flow test by the end of this week and will receive their next two lateral flow tests over the next two weeks once they return to school. After that, they will be given tests from us to test themselves at home. Any student who has a positive test result will need to report this to both us and NHS Track and Trace.

Please be aware that students – unless they are exempted for medical reasons – are required to wear face masks in lessons as well as in communal areas on their return to protect themselves, their families as well as staff and their families. We would very much appreciate it if you could ensure that your children come to school with a range of spare masks.

Both schools will have been deep-cleaned by the time your children arrive in school. The same social distancing measures and one way systems that were in place in September will remain in place and our risk assessments have been updated on the schools’ websites.

Please also see the letter from Mrs Lebrett and Mrs Brice with more detailed guidance regarding March 8th opening in the letters section for each school.

Families currently residing abroad

As mentioned last week, families who are currently residing abroad need to make arrangements for their children to return to school for when we re-open on March 8th. We have been advised by Barnet Local Authority that students need to return within a half term period for their children to remain on roll unless there are exceptional reasons that prevent them from doing so. Please could parents who are currently residing abroad let the relevant headteacher know their expected return date so that we can welcome their children back to school and ensure they remain on roll.

Alternative arrangements to examinations

As you are aware, Ofqual have announced the alternative arrangements for GCSE, BTEC and A level examinations following the public consultation.

We are still waiting to hear the details about the new arrangements from the examination boards and therefore cannot yet confirm the precise arrangements for students. However, subject to the exam boards’ guidance, our provisional plans are as follows:

  • Short assessments held after the Pesach break will form part of the overall evidence base that determines a student’s centre moderated grades alongside a selection of other assessments completed in class throughout the course
  • This will give students the best opportunity to demonstrate their skills and understanding of a representative sample of the material they have covered and enable their teachers to provide sufficient evidence to the examination boards of the grades that they we will submit for them
  • After the Pesach break, Year 11 and Year 13 students will be given a range of short assessments (except for textiles/ art and BTECs) in each of their subjects.
  • Teachers will not teach any new content to students from Monday March 15th at the latest until the 17th May while revision/ assessments take place
  • Students will be given the topics of each assessment in advance and time to prepare for those assessments
  • Wherever possible, students will be given a range of questions within each topic to choose from
  • Teachers will use lessons prior to the assessments as revision sessions
  • Each subject area will choose which assessments will best demonstrate students’ ability and count towards a student’s grade and which topics will be used for the short assessments
  • Y11 and Y13 will be given study leave (though Beis and the Midrasha will still run), with secular teachers available to support students who wish to see them either via G Suite or in person (dates to be confirmed)
  • Any access arrangements that would normally be given to students taking exams will be retrospectively taken into account when determining the mark of assessments taken in class throughout the course where this was not given at the time of the assessment
  • Special consideration will be given to students who require it according to the normal JCQ guidelines
  • Year 10s who are sitting GCSEs in RS and BH early will also be part of this process (and given some study leave)

We are sure that you will have many questions about this important topic when the guidance from the examination boards is published. Once we have received this guidance we will inform you and your children about our plans and take you through how we intend to implement it in more detail. However, we thought it best to share with you what our initial plans are based on Ofqual’s guidance.

Please be reassured that we will support students through each step of this process.

With kind regards,

Andrew McClusky – CEO – Hasmonean MAT

Debbie Lebrett – Headteacher – Boys’ School

Katherine Brice – Headteacher – Girls’ School

Editorial 25th February 2021

Dear Parents,


The Gemara in Megilah (16a) tells us that when Haman looks for Mordechai to carry out King Achashverosh’s reward of riding on the king’s horse, dressed in royal clothes, he finds Mordechai in the Beis Hamedrash teaching hilchos kemitzah. Hilchos kemitzah are technical laws involving flour offerings.


Why hilchos kemitzah now?


A well-known public speaker once told me that he tries to throw in the word “relevant” in the first 60 seconds of any of his talks as a means of engaging his audience.


Hilchos kemitzah? The first Beis Hamikdash has been destroyed and the second has yet to come. There is no Beis Hamkidash, no flour offerings and no kemitzah? Hardly relevant or pressing!?


The answer is that Mordechai is teaching a powerful message. Klal Yisrael are in deep trouble. The noose is tightening around their neck. A date for state sanctioned genocide has been set. Mordechai does his hishtadlus, he makes every effort to guide Esther and together with the rest of the Jewish people, he fasts and prays. And then he teaches hilchos kemitzah.


In so doing, he is telling Klal Yisrael the message of last week’s haftorah that we read before Purim every year – נצח ישראל לא ישקר. Mordechai is saying we may be in a precarious state, but we will get through this, we will prevail. There will yet be a Beis Hamikdash and Kohanim will once again perform the avodah and take a kemitzah.


A timely and timeless message for Purim 2021. Our world has been turned upside down but we should take comfort in the message of Purim.


As I wrote to parents earlier this week, despite everything, there is a huge amount going on over Purim (all of course online and Covid friendly) and I thank all the Kodesh teachers and HIPE educators for ensuring the spirit of Purim reaches our students.


And there is a very direct way to thank HIPE and ensure their long-term future at Hasmonean. Students are collecting for 19 charities associated with Hasmonean in their HIPE UNITE campaign, but we are turning to parents and to the community to help HIPE via the Chomesh L’Chinuch campaign.


Please click on the link below, enjoy the fabulous song, donate generously and share the link as widely as possible.



Wishing you and your families an enjoyable, meaningful and safe Purim.



Rabbi J Golker


Editorial 12/2/2021

Dear Parents,

It has been a tough few weeks for everyone and I hope that you will all get the chance to decompress and get away from screens during half term. It can be easy to get depressed at the news of virulent mutations and the ever-receding possibility of taking a foreign holiday. However, I have been taking solace from the signs that spring is nearly here, despite the current arctic weather. Daffodils are pushing up through the grass in the parks and camellias are already in bloom. They are a reminder that all things, even the darkest days, pass in the end.

The other thing, which gives me hope, is the resilience of our young people. No one would have chosen the events of the past year and we would all wish it had been different. However, to see the creativity that has emerged which the HIPE teams demonstrate so magnificently has been heartening and even inspiring. From challah and pizza bakes to the project of some older girls to translate the Yiddish memoirs of Parysow, our students are showing how they can adapt and make the best of a strange situation. The learning which is going on is not always of the conventional kind, but we are all developing more skills in the digital world and these will be long term benefits which will help us as we return to a more familiar model of teaching- hopefully not too far in the future.

Wishing you a good Shabbos and a restful half term.

Mrs K Brice


Hasmonean High School for Girls

Editorial 5/2/2021

Dear Parents,

This has been a week of highs and lows. The news about the vaccination programme is really positive and I am really hopeful that the first glimmers of hope to an end to the events of the past year are beginning to show themselves.

We also heard the very sad news about the passing away of Captain Sir Tom Moore. A national treasure, an inspiration, tough, gritty, and a powerhouse. Some of the many terms used to describe an incredible man who will be much missed. In a week where there were sad events in the community and the wider world, it is incumbent on all of us to look at the legacy of people who have passed away and to show gratitude for the amazing things that they did in their lives.

In this week’s parsha, Yisro advises his son in law, Moshe, to set up a hierarchical leadership system in order to lead the Jewish people. It is sometimes hard to delegate but it is shown to be of vital importance in the parsha. This then enables society to become even more connected, even more successful and even more collaborative. All essential to building a legacy for the next generations.

Wishing you a good Shabbos.

Mrs D Lebrett
Hasmonean High School for Boys

Editorial 28/1/2021

Dear Parents,

The most moving photograph I saw this week showed a Holocaust survivor, with a tattoo etched on his arm, being vaccinated in that same arm at a London clinic.  The juxtaposition of those two sides of humanity – hatred and hope – is a moving reminder of what we are capable of.  It is fitting, therefore, that we showed two videos this week to the boys: one commemorating Holocaust Memorial Day and one showcasing the amazing commitment shown by NHS workers during the pandemic.

The Parsha this week, Beshalach, is replete with ideas about hope and courage in the face of despair.  The Jewish people are being chased by Pharaoh and his army following their exodus from Egypt; they are hungry and need the miracles of Mon and clean water to survive; they are attacked by Amalek…the list goes on.  The overriding tone from the Parsha, though, is one of hope and salvation.  The idea is reinforced that we will overcome and will be stronger as a result of our trials.

In the week when we, as the British nation, have tragically recorded over 100,000 deaths due to Covid, it is important to think about every single life which has been lost and to also look to a brighter future PG.

Wishing you all a wonderful Shabbos,


Mrs D Lebrett


Hasmonean High School for Boys

Editorial 21//01/2021

Dear Parents,

They say that silence is golden, except when you have children, in which case it becomes suspicious!

But silence is certainly powerful and that is borne out in this week’s parsha. Our parsha tells us that when the Bnei Yisroel left Mitzrayim, the dogs did not bark. The Mechilta writes that for all generations, dogs receive a reward for this. They are given the meat of an animal rendered treife, that the owner cannot eat and this teaches us that HKBH does not withhold reward for any creature.

But didn’t the frogs in last week’s parsha do so much more? They swarmed into every nook and cranny of every Egyptian home and even jumped into hot ovens, literally killing themselves in order to do the will of their Creator! And the dogs merely didn’t bark! Why reward dogs for all time and not frogs?

Rav Osher Arielli offers a wonderful answer. Sometimes, showing restraint and not speaking is even more impressive than jumping into a hot oven.

We all know how tempting it is to respond or have the last word. Overcoming that temptation needs enormous self-restraint.

Lockdown also needs much self-restraint and discipline. Home study is difficult, not just for youngsters who must organise themselves, in addition to trying to concentrate for many lessons a day, but also for other members of the family who are juggling more balls than normal. There seems to be added layers of complexity in everything we do.

We are now in the third week of term and it is hugely gratifying to see so many students trying hard and stepping up.

As parents there is much we can do to help our children. First of all, taking care of ourselves and remaining positive so that there is a happy and upbeat atmosphere at home. But also encouraging our children to take daily exercise, get some fresh air, eat healthily, and do acts of kindness.

I know of a young man, not even bar mitzva, who calls a family friend twice a week. She is an older lady who is on her own and he tells her a few jokes. It keeps him busy and positive on a crusade to find jokes that will make his new friend laugh and it certainly brightens her otherwise very lonely day.

These days may be challenging but, as ever, they are full of opportunities to teach our children resilience and self-discipline.

A lesson not just from this week’s parsha, but for life.

Wishing you all a wonderful Shabbos.


Rabbi J Golker



Editorial 14/1/2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

I wonder if, like me, when it was announced last week that schools would be closed until at least half term, you had a sense of ‘here we go again’ and the feeling of weary inevitability of life repeating itself which the film ‘Groundhog Day’ captured so beautifully. However, we are in a very different place from last year. Thanks to the investment in chrome books and all the training which has gone on since March, we could immediately transition to online learning, offering a full timetable. The teachers are to be congratulated on rising again to the challenge of remote classes, especially when some of them have to cope with family commitments.  The change in this respect from last year could hardly be greater.

What we have had to relearn, is that being online all day is physically and mentally exhausting and we therefore need to alter our provision a little. Thank you to those who filled out the survey about how things are going. As a result of the feedback we have received from parents, students and teachers, we are introducing the following changes with effect from Monday 18th:

  • Lessons will be shortened by 10 minutes to allow for a proper break
  • Y7 and Y8 will now have their break at 11.15 am so that P3 is no longer a split lesson
  • We will no longer have a daily form time to give longer for lunch
  • P7 will finish at 3.20 pm for everyone
  • Lessons on Fridays will now revert to the usual long Friday timings, with lessons ending after period 5a
  • The PE department will be providing suggestions on ways to increase physical activity in the extension classroom
  • The Assistant Heads for Pastoral Support will be setting out plans to improve pastoral, counselling and well-being support for students who require it. The plans will be communicated to you in due course
  • We will be issuing further training and guidance to teachers on the best kind of pedagogy and the setting and marking of homework to ensure students are well-provided for and not overwhelmed. We have just bought into a G Suite upgrade which means that teachers will soon be able to create breakout rooms to facilitate independent, paired and group learning online. More details about this will be provided in due course. Please note that there will be no live lessons period 7 this coming Monday (2.45 pm) to enable teachers to attend training on these areas. Work for students will be uploaded to Google Classroom instead. We are confident that the benefit of this staff training on your children’s education will be very worthwhile.

We await the outcome of the consultation on the proposals about the alternatives to examinations. Once we know what the plans are, we will of course communicate them to you.

The key principles set out by Ofqual are as follows:

What evidence will be used?

  • Awarding of grades will be based on teacher assessment
  • A breadth of evidence should inform teachers’ judgements
  • Assessment will be based on what students have learnt, not necessarily the full course – but there will need to be good enough coverage of the curriculum
  • Externally set tasks or short papers (seen by Ofqual to be fairer and more consistent) may be provided, in order that teachers can draw on this resource to support their assessments of students (note not externally marked)
  • Ofqual will consult on whether to ‘require or recommend’ the use of the externally set tasks or papers
  • Students should continue with any non-exam assessment where possible


  • Students should be taught for as long as possible (so they have every opportunity to catch up.)
  • A teacher’s final judgement on a student’s grade ought to be as late as possible in the academic year (to maximise remaining teaching time and ensure students are motivated and engaged)

Support, training and Quality Assurance

  • Training and guidance will support teachers to reach their assessment of a student’s deserved grade
  • Schools and colleges should undertake quality assurance of their teachers’ assessments
  • External checks / Exam boards quality assurance processes in place to support fairness and consistency
  • This quality assurance will be sampling only
  • Changes to grades as a result of the external quality assurance process should be the exception (as per review of marking)


  • There will be provision for students to request a review and appeal their grade

Private candidates:

  • There should be a clear and accessible route for private candidates to be assessed and receive a grade

Vocational qualifications

  • Apart from a few exceptions, all with written exams scheduled in February and March (including BTECs) will not go ahead
  • Similar principles to GCSE and A level in terms of assessment

Wishing you all a very good Shabbos.


Kind regards,

Mrs K Brice

Headteacher – Girls

Spring Term Return to School Arrangements

Dear Parents,

Spring Term Return to School Arrangements

As you will be aware, yesterday, the Government announced that for the first week of next term, January 4th– 8th 2021, secondary schools would open only for:

  • Students in Year 11
  • Students in Year 13

In addition, the school will be open for:

  • Students in all year groups whose parents are critical workers
  • Students in other year groups who have an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP)
  • Students in all year groups who are vulnerable

Definitions of which students fall into the categories in italics above can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-maintaining-educational-provision/guidance-for-schools-colleges-and-local-authorities-on-maintaining-educational-provision


If your child is in Years 7-10/12 and falls into the italicized categories and may therefore attend school, please complete the Google form below by 23rd December so that we can make appropriate arrangements. Unless, you register your child using this form we regrettably will not be able to admit them as we will not be able to open safely.



Teaching for Year 11 and Year 13 and Other Students in School


  • As previously advised, teaching will begin at 10.30 am on January 4th, other than Beis at the Boys’ School
  • Year 11 will have regular lessons as normal.
  • Year 13 mocks will continue as planned.
  • BTEC exams will continue as planned.
  • Beis will run will as usual for Years 11 and 13 from 7.20 am on Monday 4th
  • All students in Year 7-10 should bring in their Chromebooks and Year 12 should bring in laptops where possible, fully charged and a set of headphones. Those students in Year 7-10 and Year 12 in school will be taught via Google Classroom by the teacher in the same way as those at home.
  • The kitchen will be providing meals for those in school for this week.

All students who are in school will be expected to follow the normal uniform guidelines.


Teaching for Year 7-10 and Year 12

The provision for Years 7-10 and Year 12 will be the same for those at home and those in school. Students will follow their normal timetables but please take note of the following points.

  • There will be a pastoral check-in at 10.20 am with Year Leaders on Monday 4th January for Year 7-10. Students should login to their pastoral check in classroom.
  • As previously advised, teaching will begin at 10.30 am on January 4th Years 7-10.
  • Beis for Year 12 will run as usual but online.
  • Sessions will be slightly shorter than usual to account for the fact that teachers will be having to leave traditional lessons in school to go to a different room to deliver online lessons. Students should logon onto the relevant Google classroom and wait for the teacher to let them into the Live Meet.
  • The majority of sessions will involve ‘live’ teaching and will also involve teachers setting independent work during these sessions, as they would in live lessons. Some sessions will involve pre-recorded or uploaded materials.
  • Free School Meal vouchers will be sent to those who are eligible to receive them in January.
  • Information regarding Sunday school at the boys’ school for Sunday 10th January (Years 7 to 10 and 12) will be sent out during the first week of term.
  • Important – Year 10 Science and Year 7 Modern Hebrew have timetable changes. Students need to go to SMHW/Satchel:1 for timetable information.


You will also be aware that there are plans for rapid testing of school students and staff. More information will follow at the beginning of January.

Students from all year groups will be expected back in school on January 11th unless we are directed otherwise by the Government.

If there is any further information in regard to these matters, we will update you in due course.

With kind regards,

Mr A McClusky                Mrs D Lebrett                   Mrs K Brice

CEO                                     Headteacher – Boys       Headteacher – Girls