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Middlesex U13 Cricket Squad News

Rafi Quint, one of our Year 8 boys, has just been selected to be a part of the Middlesex U13 cricket squad. He has also been asked to join the pre-season U14 cricket tour to Barbados this April. It is a very special and exciting opportunity for this young man to participate in an elite […]

Editorial 20.01.2022

Dear Parents/Carers, In this week’s parsha, Yisro, the concept of freedom is celebrated. Interestingly, this freedom is a result of the Torah being given, rather than the freedom following the exodus from Egypt. Many of the commentators discuss this shift in the concept of freedom: this is not freedom from oppression but a different kind […]

Tu B’Shevat at the Girls’ School

The H.I.P.E team created the most fantastic Tu B’Shevat initiative on Monday which they named #ijuiced4jews. The event opened with an inspirational talk about gratitude and giving, in order to focus the students on the ideas of the day. Afterwards, each girl was supplied with her own squeezer and bottle for a mass orange juicing […]

D.A.Y.S Reward Trip

On Wednesday 12th January, nearly 60 Year 7 boys were rewarded for attending the D.A.Y.S morning minyan every day for the whole Autumn Term. They went to Flip Out, Brent Cross to enjoy a jolly morning of bouncing and jumping, accompanied by Rabbi Fachler (the D.A.Y.S co-ordinator) and the Minyan Monitors from the upper years. […]

Editorial – 13.01.2022

Dear Parent, Klal Yisroel find themselves in dire straits in this week’s parsha. Trapped between the Egyptian army in hot pursuit and the deep blue sea, they cry out to Hashem. The Medrash tells us that only on seeing רכוש של מצרים בידם, the wealth of the Egyptians in the hands of the Jewish people, […]

Editorial 06.01.2022

Dear Parents and Carers, I hope that you all enjoyed the winter break and had time to rest and relax with your families. It is wonderful to be returning, in spite of Covid, to face-to-face education. Mrs Lebrett and Mrs Brice have outlined, in their email to you earlier this week, the measures we are […]

Girls’ School – Football Update!

The recent Girls’ School football match against St James Catholic School started off like a table tennis match: 1-0 to them, then an equaliser, followed by 2:1 to Hasmo. Another equaliser from SJC, another goal from Hasmo and SJC equalised again! The intensity increased and SJC started mastering their substitutions. Our Year 7 team of […]

Editorial 16.12.2021

Dear Parents/Carers, Just two weeks ago we were enjoying the excitement and light of Chanukah and now we are plunged into the darkness of rising infections and another year of disruption to travel plans and family celebrations to say nothing of burst water mains. Some of us were fortunate enough to experience the joy and […]