Dear Parent

We are delighted to inform you of an exciting event, that we will be holding a Tanya printing on the school premises this coming Sunday 16th July from 11.15am until 1.00pm for students.

This event offers a very special opportunity for students across the school to partake in the printing of a sefer that has been printed in practically every major city in the world where there is Jewish presence, from Hawaii to Fiji. Tanya has inspired many around the world to better connect to their Judaism and form a closer bond to Hashem. As such, we are proud to be adding our name to this list of over 8,000 institutions globally.

Boys who do not regularly attend Sunday school are welcome and encouraged to attend for this unique, one- off event. They will have an opportunity to participate in the very production of this Sefer with the help of the printing team.

Hot dogs, burgers, chips, waffles, popcorn, candy floss, slush and more will be served all free of charge. A question- based conversation and shiur will be given about the significance of Tanya and what it teaches.

Copies of this limited edition Tanya will be available for purchase for £10. You are able to reserve your copy through the link below. Please note that stock is limited

We look forward to seeing as many students there for what promises to be a momentous occasion.

Yours sincerely

The HIPE Team – Boys’