Do you have old clothes lying around at home? Wouldn’t you love to update your wardrobe and support a good cause in the process? We are four Hasmonean sixth form students collaborating with Gift to raise money for Chai Cancer Care. We will be running a charity shop in school where we will sell preloved clothes that have been donated by Hasmonean students. You can help us by bringing in all of those clothes that have been curled up in the back of your wardrobe aching to be picked up and worn again. Give them a new life and also receive the reward of buying unique and affordable, new pieces for your own closet!

Chai is a charity that is very close to our hearts and in this project we look to raise money for home support, BRCA (breast cancer), image resource therapy, and finally Chai in schools. We would appreciate it if clothes could be brought into school between the 6-18th of March to the HIPE office. We will then proceed to sell the clothes from the 27-31st of March. Students will be able to pay using cash and card. We can’t wait to see you there!

Ellie Marantz. Shani Levy, Sophia Alexander-Passe and Talya Sacks