Girls’ School – Tu B’Shevat

The festival of Tu B’Shevat is famous for being the birthday of the trees and fruits.

To celebrate, our students partnered (virtually) with Ulpanit Ort, Teveria which is a high school in Israel and created a beautiful and detailed painting of the Shivat Haminim (7 special fruits). The art session was run by a talented Hasmonean alumna – Yael Berenblatt. The entire event was coordinated by the ISOC students in Year 12 and we were so proud of what they achieved.

The following evening, the Green society put on another exciting Tu B’Shevat virtual programme and invited our students to hear from the wonderful Ilana Goodkin, another Hasmo alumna, for an engaging and interesting talk, looking at solutions for climate change and food production. This was a wonderful way to mark Tu B’Shevat which is all about appreciating the environment and thus giving it the respect it deserves.

The Girls’ School HIPE team sent out almost 600 packages to the Hasmonean students’ houses, which included educational ideas about Tu B’Shevat, as well as seeds to plant sunflowers and the ability to get involved in an exciting new HIPE initiative. Here is a video with more details about what each student received in their home delivered package

Thanks go to the HIPE and admin teams who arranged this logistical operation!