Editorial 9th February 2023

Dear Parent

You will all be acutely aware that there are problems in many public services. Teaching is no exception and it has become increasingly difficult to find good teachers to fill our vacancies. We therefore thought we would turn to you to see if you know anyone who might wish to come to Hasmonean. Maybe you know someone who has had a career break but would like to get back into teaching, or someone who would like to teach at a Jewish school or someone who has recently retired and would like to take on some work?

Our current vacancies are listed below and we plan to let you know on a monthly basis what the gaps are which need filling. Inevitably, perhaps, our biggest need is for good quality Science and Maths teachers. You will notice that many of our vacancies are for September. We hope that by advertising early, we are giving ourselves the best chance of recruiting.  The vacancies are all on the website with job descriptions and an application form.

Vacancy Required for
Temporary teacher of English (Girls) ASAP
Biology teacher ASAP or September
Physics teacher ASAP or September
Biology teacher September
Psychology teacher September
Economics Teacher  (subject lead for suitable candidate) September
A level Maths teacher September
Director of Learning Maths (Boys) September
P/T Music teacher (Mondays) September
Administration and Reprographics Assistant ASAP
HR Manager ASAP
Standards Officer (Boys) ASAP

We hope you will be able to help!

Best wishes and Shabbat Shalom.

Mrs K Brice

Headteacher – Girls’