Editorial 22nd June 2023

This week has seen the final exams for our Years 11 and 13. On Sunday, the Year 13 will hold their graduations and I always find this a bittersweet moment. The time has come for our Year 13 students to spread their wings and embark on their next chapter but they have been a vital part of our school community for so long and they will be missed.

The world that awaits our Year 13 graduates is filled with countless opportunities and challenges. Most will continue to further their Kodesh Studies  in Yeshiva and Seminary next year whilst others will follow other gap year programmes. After that, some will pursue higher education, whilst others will embark on different paths, choosing to explore diverse vocational options, dive straight into the world of work or pursue entrepreneurial ventures. Whatever path they choose, they will be able to use the skills learnt at school to build a future for themselves.

The resilience of Year 13 has been remarkable. Having battled through the pandemic during their GCSE years, they have approached their A level exams with determination, despite never having sat external exams before. They have coped very well and deserve the extended holiday that they are about to take.

Although the last few months have been focussed on exams. I feel it is important to remember that success is not solely defined by results. Every student possesses unique talents, passions, and aspirations that extend far beyond what can be measured in school. Regardless of the outcomes, I want students to know that there is a pathway for each and every one. Life is not a one-size-fits-all journey, and I firmly believe that success comes in various forms.

To our Year 11 students that are also leaving, we wish you every success in what you do. To all parents who have now seen their youngest child graduate, we thank you for all your support for the school and we hope that you continue to gain nachas from your children.

To the students themselves who are leaving, please remember that you are not alone. As the expression goes, you can take a student out of Hasmonean but you cannot take Hasmonean out of a student. We are still your extended family and we will always be here for you, offering guidance and encouragement. Please keep in touch.

Finally, embrace the challenges that lie ahead with an open mind, knowing that setbacks are stepping stones to success. Cherish the memories you have created and carry the lessons learned with you as you carve your path in the world.

Shabbat Shalom

Miriam Langdon
Headteacher – Boys’