Editorial 12/9/19

Breaking News!
Hasmonean High Schools are the top non-selective state schools in The Times newspaper for attainment at GCSE!

We have calculated that Hasmonean’s two schools are the highest achieving non-selective state schools in the country in The Times league tables for GCSE. Both the boys’ and girls’ schools attained an impressive 53% 9-7 grades, with the boys attaining 34% 9-8 grades and the girls achieving 37% 9-8 grades.

Congratulations to all of our students and staff on these tremendous results. It should be remembered that our students benefit from far more than academic success. Kodesh will be the bedrock of their future lives and we are grateful to all of our Jewish Studies teachers for the attitudes and values that they instil within them.

Dear Parents,

I hope everyone had a great summer and have come back refreshed and ready for the new year.

Whatever your political leanings I think everyone would agree we are living in interesting times, with uncertainty reigning and the normal rules of engagement thrown out of the window. It is under this cloud that we move into Ellul, a month of preparation where the noise of our day to day lives moves backstage and we take a look in the proverbial mirror, assessing where we are as individuals and a community against the expectations Hashem has of us. Such moments of introspection are sadly few and far between due to financial and social pressures, as these moments change us and our behaviours for the better.

As a Finance Committee, we work hard behind the scenes to ensure the School is in as strong a position as possible to provide the education our children deserve. Although we speak to many parents, there are groups of parents who we rarely speak to, parents upon whose contributions the school heavily relies yet don’t get a thank-you call from us at any time. Hasmonean would not be able to operate without parental support and therefore, as a group, we wanted to thank everyone for donating to the school over the past year and look forward to your continued support.

Wishing everyone a Kesiva V’Chasima Tova and hope that through our Teshuva, Tefillah and Tzedokah we will, together, have a great year ahead.

The Finance Committee

Yours sincerely,

Mr J Feinmesser
Trustee and Chair of the Finance Committee