Tephilla Award

Our girls are wonderful, but never more so than during Tephilla.

This week, we celebrated the girls who have shown exceptional focus and dedication during both Shacharit and Mincha. It is a real challenge to maintain kavanna every day, and the girls who were celebrated on Wednesday have made every effort to do so.

To those who have not yet been celebrated: the fact that you create a calm environment in the classroom for those who daven is really appreciated and we thank you.

Finally, thank you to Mrs Paster, Rabbi Bennett and Racheli for organising Wednesday’s awards.

Rami Sherman

On Tuesday 3rd December 2019, Rami Sherman visited both the Year 10 girls and the Year 7 and 10 boys. He is one of the officers who masterminded the miraculous raid on Entebbe in Uganda in 1976. Over one hundred Jewish hostages were rescued. All the students were captivated by Rami’s words and his powerful, simple message: every Jewish soul is worth fighting for, no matter how grave the situation. In the month of Kislev, as we approach the miraculous festival of the rescue of our souls from Hellenism, Rami’s words were particularly effective.

Year 8 Business Studies Trip: Cadbury World

Hasmonean’s aspiring businesswomen of Year 8 visited Cadbury World on Tuesday 10th December. Along with lashings of chocolate, the girls learned about the creation of the Cadbury business which included building the village of Bourneville for the workforce: an early example of ethical entrepreneurship.

They had a wonderful day. Thank you to all the staff who accompanied the girls and made the trip possible.

Boys Chanuka Fair

The Boys’ Tzedaka Department, led by Eli Hollander ran a very successful Chanuka Fair on Rosh Chodesh Kislev.

The hall was full of inflatables, table tennis tables, a range of fairground style games and lots of food!

The money raised from the fair is going to JAMI and the school Wellbeing Fund.

GCSE Music Concerts

Over the past 2 weeks, the Music Department hosted two GCSE Specialist concerts, highlighting the talents of our students.

The boys’ concert took place on Tuesday 12th November and the concert began with an explosion of a performance combining drums and electric guitar. There was an impressive array of pianistic skills from Beethoven’s Pathetique sonata to the theme tune from the Avengers.

The concert also featured the GCSE compositions adding an exciting dimension to the concert! Hopefully inspiring the Year 9 and 10 students as they begin their compositional journey.

The girls’ school concert took place on Tuesday 19th November and also offered a mixture of performances and compositions. We had 2 violin performances which contrasted well with all the piano performances.

Some of the students performed their own versions of well-known songs. This highlights a special talent as it involves an understanding of harmony, chords and pianistic techniques.

There is always a lovely, collaborative atmosphere during these concerts and they provide an opportunity for the students to feel part of a school musical community.

Both concerts ended with a duet performance from Mr Hattingh, our Piano Teacher and Mrs Algranati performing 3 short pieces from Bernstein’s famous West Side Story.

My thanks go to Mr Hattingh and all the other peripatetic staff who support all the work that is done in the Music Department to further our student’s learning.

Thank you to our wonderful, dedicated Music department and to Miss Giannopoulou for taking pictures. and to our site team.

Thanks also go to the wonderful site team who always work tirelessly to help set up the concerts!

AJEX – By Alyssa Teper Year 12

We feel incredibly proud to have marched in the AJEX parade as representatives of Hasmonean Girls’. The AJEX march provided us with the privilege to remember and dedicate just a few hours to those who have dedicated their everything for us.

Not only were we able to express our love and appreciation for our country, something we do not do all too often, we were able to specifically recall the heroism of the Jewish ex-serviceman who have fought and contributed as part of the British Armed Forces since 1930. It is so important that our religion and the actions of our people do not go unnoticed; as said by Chazal “we stand on the shoulders of those who came before us”. The recognition of our Jewish soldiers is equally as relevant today, with hundreds of Jews serving in the armed forces; fighting for our country, fighting for us.

Our country would not be the power it is without the immense generosity of all of our soldiers, whilst the contribution of Jewish soldiers toward our country’s success has no doubt led to success in so many other areas.

Year on year, since 1930, AJEX has been commemorating the heroism of our Jewish servicemen, and we feel so proud to have been a part of something so powerful.

Football – Hasmonean V Immanuel College

It may have taken four attempts to arrange the date, but on Monday 11th November our Year 11 boys finally had their away fixture against Immanuel College.

The boys played well in the first half – even though we only took enough players to field a side and had no reserves. In no time at all one of the boys was clipped from behind, landing head first in the muddy ground below. He was helped up – covered in mud!

In the second half, the game got tenser and the mud got deeper. There were a couple of brilliant saves from Goalkeeper Lebrett. On the stroke of 50 minutes Corney unleashed a blistering rocket that smashed into the top left hand corner of the net and the ‘crowd’ went wild. This was followed five minutes later with another Hasmonean goal when Woolich defied the Immanuel keepers grasp to send the ball splattering into the bottom of the net. The last goal came from an unidentifiable muddy Hasmonean player – their numbers were so caked in mud that it was impossible to tell who was who!

Well done to all the boys for their brave perseverance in extremely dreadful conditions and coming away with a three nil victory! Thank you to Mr Tutty for braving the mud with the boys.

On Thursday morning there was a buzz in the hall! Year 7 and Year 12 girls were getting to know each other at an incredible Kesher event. It began as the girls danced and ate snacks, followed by Rabbi Zeidman from Gift introducing a thought provoking question: ‘If you had £100, what would be better, to give it all to one organisation or to 10 different organisations?’. They then decorated Tzedaka boxes, which began the 30-day challenge of giving 1p each day to Tzedaka. This is to create more giving people who will also be rewarded! W are looking forward to the girls building stronger connections with their Kesher partners, and we have already started planning for future Kesher events.

Year 7 Mums Night Out

Bagel Bar was full to capacity for the Year 7 Mums night out. Organised by the PTA, this was a lovely opportunity to get together. The PTA is open to everyone. If you’d like to get involved, please call Aviva 07940 888051

Year 12 go to Dyson

A group of Year 12 science students were able to visit the Dyson workshop. There, we were challenged to create a programme that would move a robot around obstacles and through to the other
side of a mat. It was a really enjoyable challenge which had all of us stretching our minds and showing how principles learned in Physics and Maths can be applied to practical uses.

The workshop was a good reminder of how fun science can be and the undergraduate engineers who ran the session were incredibly supportive, explaining about different Engineering courses with a focus on Dyson.

I found the workshop refreshing because it gets you to think differently and problem solve practically which you don’t usually do in classes. It’s also useful to become comfortable with programming software because coding will always be useful for any STEM future. I would definitely recommend having similar opportunities for future year groups – I really enjoyed it.

I really appreciated that this was organised especially for us and it was so easily accessible- it was such a pleasant surprise – thank you!

By Shira Wulwick