Editorial 9/1/2020

Dear Parent,

The Gemoro is Sotah (13a) and tells of the strange events of Yakov Ovinu’s funeral in this week’s parsha. Esav attempts to disrupt proceedings and claims that he is entitled to the final burial spot in Meoras HaMachpela. The brothers protest. Naftoli is dispatched back to Egypt to bring proof. The burial is delayed. Chushim the son of Dan asks why there is a hold up. On being told, he is so incensed at the disgrace to his grandfather Yakov, he kills Esav.

How come no one else was bothered by the affront to the honour due to Yakov Ovinu? Why didn’t anyone else feel as strongly as Chushim?

Rav Chaim Shmulevitz zt’l, the Mirrer Rosh Yeshiva, suggests an answer. Our sages tell us that Chushim was deaf. He was therefore oblivious to the burial arguments, and the disgrace to Yakov hit him suddenly. Yakov’s children, however, adapted to the situation and were slowly drawn into the debate – while Yakov’s body was waiting to be buried.

Such are the dangers of becoming used to a situation – the curse of adaptability.

A friend of mine once described the traumatic experiences of his first summer job. He worked for a law firm and had to go to court several times a week to deliver legal documents. These documents would conclude proceedings on behalf of a bank against destitute people who did not keep up with their mortgage payments. In effect, he was the legal arm throwing people out of their homes. Many times, these destitute people showed up in court, sometimes bringing their young children, in a futile attempt to protest and try to stop themselves becoming homeless. I remember my friend saying how traumatic it was for him and then, after a few weeks, he got used to it and soon enough found it a pain when these people bothered him getting on with his job.

On the other hand, adapting to situations can sometimes be positive and even a blessing. Many ask: why was Soroh unable to deal with the news of Akeidas Yitzchok, depite being on a greater level than Avrohom. Again, Rav Chaim Shmulevitz gives an answer. Chazal tell us that when Hashem instructed Avrohom to perform the Akeidah, he broke the news to him gently, slowly helping him to understand what was needed. Soroh, on the other hand, was told the news suddenly and the shock was too much for her to bear.

Klal Yisroel has recently celebrated another siyum of Daf Yomi and many of us watched the amazing scenes at the MetLife stadium and at other locations all over the Jewish world. The completion of the entire Talmud Bavli needs enormous commitment and fortitude. Learning the entire Shas is a mammoth and overwhelming task; yet, with a page a day, one can adapt to this wonderful practice and achieve greatness.

May we all merit to adapt to uplifting and noble practices.

Good Shabbos,

Rabbi J Golker

Editorial 19/12/19

Dear Parent,

The darkest days of the year are upon us and the weather has done nothing to improve our spirits, so it is a good thing that at the Girls’ School we have been uplifted by the magic of Peter Pan in the school musical, and soon the lights of Chanukah will be a reminder of the importance of keeping the faith.

In the same way that the Chanukah lights illuminate the darkness, we need to think about how our actions can lighten the world around us. Scientists have discovered (as if it was not common sense) that carrying out a kind action not only makes the giver and recipient feel better, but also lifts the spirits of everyone who hears about it. When we do good deeds it restores hope in the human condition, which is very necessary because the news is often full of darkness and despair.

So as we go to celebrate Chanukah and look forward to 2020, we can all take the opportunity to brighten the lives of those around us with acts of kindness. This is a key message which we promote at all times of year. Chesed runs through the school and we are proud of our students reaching out to help others who are less fortunate.

I hope you all have a very happy holiday and good wishes for the year ahead,


Mrs K Brice


Editorial 12/12/19

Dear Parent,

Today marks the conclusion of a difficult, albeit fascinating, run-up to the 2019 General Election. Commentators and pundits up and down the country have remarked on how much conflict has been visible during the campaign and we must hope that this will abate once the ballots close and people resume their normal lives.

In this week’s parshah, we see that Yaakov is surrounded by conflict – he clashes with his brother and with his uncle; his two wives find it hard to get along and his children also bicker amongst themselves. Rabbi Lord Sacks discusses this idea in great detail and asks the important question: how did Yaakov help to calm the conflict; to soothe the angst of the people around him? The answer is that he learnt to be confident in himself and to resolve his own inner conflicts; it was only after this that he could see himself as a peacemaker and help to calm the attitude of the people amongst him.

Rabbi Lord Sacks’ comment in his book, ‘Lessons in Leadership’, encapsulates a very important message for leaders in general: ‘They must understand that it is better to seek the respect of some than the popularity of all…. No one is stronger than the person who knows who and what [s/]he is.’

Have a peaceful Shabbos,

Mrs D Lebrett

Editorial 5/12/19

Dear Parents,

As you are all no doubt aware, your voluntary contributions allow Hasmonean to maintain its ethos and breadth of provision, making your voluntary contributions a critical income stream for the school.

I am therefore deeply concerned that despite our growing student body, contributions through to the end of November are nearly £200,000 down on last year.

I hope this message will act as a catalyst for those of you who have not yet made their pledge to do so now as we desperately need to make up the shortfall during December.


Mr J Feinmesser
Trustee of the Hasmonean Charity and MAT trustee


Dear Parents,

Following on from the attainment of the national Wellbeing for Schools Award by the Girls’ School in June, I am delighted to inform you that we have now also attained the same award for the Boys’ School. We will hold both awards for 3 years.

The inspections were incredibly intensive, the preparation work ran for two years (and the paperwork to many hundreds of pages) and required immense hard work from Mr Kalley and Mrs Waugh who led the change teams that enabled us to attain the awards.

My thanks go to the staff, parents, governors and students who were interviewed and to everyone who is involved in supporting the mental health and wellbeing within both schools.

It is a wonderful tribute to the ways in which staff have put the mental health and wellbeing at the heart of both schools. However, at a time when the pressures on young people are greater than ever and, as headlines demonstrate, teachers are under mounting pressure, we are far from complacent. While the awards recognise the work we have accomplished so far, we know that there is more to do and will strive to continue to focus on these important areas.

Best wishes,

Mr A McClusky
CEO, Hasmonean MAT



Editorial 28/11/19

A fascinating question emerges from the first few pesukim of this week’s sedra.

We are told that when Esav is born, he emerged red: “וַיֵּצֵא הָרִאשׁוֹן אַדְמוֹנִי “. Yet, he is only called Edom (red) as a result of an incident 15 years later when he guzzles down the red lentils being cooked by his brother Yaakov.

וַיֹּאמֶר עֵשָׂו אֶל יַעֲקֹב, הַלְעִיטֵנִי נָא מִן הָאָדֹם הָאָדֹם הַזֶּה כִּי עָיֵף, אָנֹכִי; עַל כֵּן קָרָא שְׁמוֹ, אֱדוֹם. (בראשית כה,ל)

And Esav said to Yaakov, “Pour into me now some of that very red stuff for I am exhausted; He therefore called his name Edom

Why was he not called Edom or red from day one? Why wait until some obscure incident so many years later?

Rav Shaul Katzenellebogen gives a remarkable answer. Character traits are parev. They are neutral and can be directed in positive or negative ways. A person can be blessed with the IQ of a genius but act like a fool, and one can lack a high IQ and yet act with wisdom. A person may be born with strong leadership qualities or an ability to draw or sing and can use these traits positively or negatively. This is true for all abilities and capabilities.

Esav was born with a propensity towards the physical. That is what the red symbolised. He should have used his potential to be a partner with Yaakov to bring the world to perfection. Instead Esav chose to use his abilities and character traits negatively.

Esav was not called Edom or red from birth because at that stage it was all potential. It was only 15 years later where it became clear which path in life he chose.

One of the privileges and indeed enormous responsibilities of being involved in chinuch is helping students to channel their potential positively. The role of the teacher and parent is to help children discover who they are; what abilities and capabilities they have and empower them and help them actualise their potential.

May we all succeed in this critical role and see much success and nachas from all our children.

Wishing you all a wonderful Shabbos,

Rabbi J Golker

Editorial 20/11/19

Dear Parent,

November is a time of remembering. There was a moving AJEX service at the cenotaph last Sunday to commemorate those who fought and died in the service of their country at which Hasmonean students, staff and parents were proud to be involved. This week the Sixth Form had the incredible experience of listening to a holocaust survivor, Mr Josef Lewkowicz and seeing the film made about him- The Survivor’s Revenge. The adage that who forget the past are doomed to repeat it has much wisdom.

I have been looking at the role of memory with my Year 9 Psychology enrichment classes – both having no memory and being able to remember everything. Each of these can wreck lives. Losing one’s memory is the more familiar one and many of us will have older relatives with dementia whose memories are slipping away, sometimes to the point when they can no longer recognise their loved ones. However, remembering everything can also be a curse as all the negative events of a life are ever-present and it can be hard to process traumatic experiences.

As parents and teachers, we need to think about just how much we want to remember about our young people and the inevitable errors made in growing up. Some children take longer than others to learn from their mistakes and deserve censure for repeatedly making the same ill-advised choices. However, having total recall of every misdemeanour does not allow girls and boys to reinvent themselves and become more mature. The increased tendency to play out our lives online does not help with this either. A fresh start can be really important and each break from school allows for a new beginning. So treasure the positive memories of your children and be forgiving when they get things wrong.

Have a very good half term,

Mrs K Brice

Editorial 14/11/19

Dear Parent,

Hasmonean hosted an evening last week in which representatives from PAJES and the Metropolitan Police spoke to over a hundred parents about keeping teens safe in an increasingly complex world. Although it was a difficult presentation to listen to at times, it was very reassuring to see so many parents take the message of the evening seriously and also to offer support tomembers of our community. More information regarding the evening can be found in this edition of enews.

The safety of your children (our students) is always our priority. Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, when discussing the perplexing account of the akeidah in this week’s parsha, concludes that its purpose was to show Avraham and future generations that G-d is the G-d of life, of purpose, of sanctity. Avraham had the courage to offer up his child as a sacrifice, but G-d wanted something else: life. He wanted Avraham to nurture his child, to keep him safe and to help him to become an ‘independent moral agent with his own dignity and freedom.’

We all share a responsibility to keep your children safe and PG we should continue to ensure that we are successful in ensuring that this happens for many years to come.

Have a good shabbos,

Mrs D Lebrett

Editorial 7/11/19

Dear Parents and Carers,

Re: Communication Guidelines

The school has recently published revised guidelines to provide a platform for effective and positive communications between staff and parents/carers. Parents/ carers are entitled to expect courteous and timely communications from school staff just as staff are entitled to expect courtesy and respect from them.

This extract from the guidelines outlines the rationale behind them:
Research consistently finds that children achieve more when schools and parents/carers work together. However, the unique relationship that a parent/ carer or teacher has with a child might at times lead to differences of opinion as to what is best for the child. Both parties need to appreciate and respect the special skills and insights that each brings to their relationships with a child and understand and appreciate each other’s perspective.

Tension in the parent/staff relationship can arise when both parties are strongly motivated to do the best for the child but occupy fixed positions about how to achieve this. The ability to voice differences of opinion, respectfully and with understanding, is key to a successful relationship and to minimising conflict.

A link to the guidelines, which have been shared with staff, can be found here: https://hasmoneanmat.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Communication-Guidelines-Oct-2019.pdf

The contact details for staff can be found on the individual schools’ websites:



We hope that all members of the Hasmonean community will find the new guidelines helpful.

With kind regards,

Mr A McClusky
CEO – Hasmonean MAT

Mr Y Halberstadt
Chair of Local Governing Body Committee – Boys  – Trustee of Hasmonean MAT

Mr S Blumgart
Chair of Local Governing Body Committee – Girls – Trustee of Hasmonean MAT

Editorial 31/10/19

Dear Parent,

After Noach survived the flood, the Torah tells us that he planted a vine and drank wine. Chazal are critical of him; instead of planting a vine, he should have planted grain.

What is behind this criticism? What did Noach do wrong?

Rabbi Isaac Bernstein used to quote a wonderful insight of Rav Simcha Wasserman. Wine is used to recall the past. As our Sages say: “Zachreihu al hayayin” – “Remember it with wine”. Noach wanted to sit down and drink and reminisce on the past and nostalgically recall days gone by of the pre-flood world of yesteryear.

The criticism of Noach is that he should have focussed on the future and not longed for the past. Time only travels in one direction – it is forward facing. We do not forget the past, rather we use it to build for the future.

Our school was built out of the ashes of the holocaust. Great people had the strength of character to build on the past of pre-war Europe and transform it to a post-war reality. Klal Yisroel have a remarkable history but our destiny is in the future.

Wishing you all a wonderful Shabbos,

Rabbi J Golker

Editorial 24/10/19

Dear Parents,

The news at the moment, both at home and abroad, suggests that the world is becoming a less tolerant and kind place. Demonstrations outside Parliament and a hardening of attitudes on all sides deepens the divisions in political life so that it can seem as if our entire democratic system is under threat.

So there is much to make us wary about what lies ahead but working in a school is the best antidote to this as the attitude of our young people can restore our faith that things can be better in future. The cheerful faces coming into school after the festivities for Succos and the pleasure at seeing their friends again were a reminder that there is a lot to celebrate and be thankful for. Call them not “your children” but “your builders”’ reminds us that they will be creating the world of the future and if we instil in our children respect and compassion for others then they can help to forge a world where all people are accepted and can flourish.

Shabbat Shalom,

Mrs K Brice
Headteacher – Girls’ School