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Year 12 go to Dyson

A group of Year 12 science students were able to visit the Dyson workshop. There, we were challenged to create a programme that would move a robot around obstacles and through to the other side of a mat. It was a really enjoyable challenge which had all of us stretching our minds and showing how […]

Editorial 7/11/19

Dear Parents and Carers, Re: Communication Guidelines The school has recently published revised guidelines to provide a platform for effective and positive communications between staff and parents/carers. Parents/ carers are entitled to expect courteous and timely communications from school staff just as staff are entitled to expect courtesy and respect from them. This extract from […]

90 Have Fun in Phasels Wood

The Year 7 girls returned late on Wednesday evening from a very successful Achdut Trip to Phasels Wood. They enjoyed six different activities, ate a shop’s worth of nosh and ended the day sitting around a beautiful campfire singing before eating pizza and chips (express delivery from Golders Green- who knew that kosher pizza could […]

Interfaith Arsenal

On Friday 1st November some of the Hasmonean students went to an Arsenal in the Community Interfaith Day. Nicola Green from PAJEs remarked that the girls were, without exception, friendly, polite, interested and attentive. It was a pleasure to see them engage with girls from Islamia School. One of the students has written about her […]

Editorial 31/10/19

Dear Parent, After Noach survived the flood, the Torah tells us that he planted a vine and drank wine. Chazal are critical of him; instead of planting a vine, he should have planted grain. What is behind this criticism? What did Noach do wrong? Rabbi Isaac Bernstein used to quote a wonderful insight of Rav […]

Chessington World of Adventure

Once again, Aviva Rowe and Hasmonean’s PTA organised discounted tickets for Chessington World of Adventure on Chol Hamoed. Despite the rain, a wonderful day was had by the hundreds who attended. It was a great social success, and everyone benefited from shorter queues for all the rides! The PTA is a vital part of school […]

Editorial 24/10/19

Dear Parents, The news at the moment, both at home and abroad, suggests that the world is becoming a less tolerant and kind place. Demonstrations outside Parliament and a hardening of attitudes on all sides deepens the divisions in political life so that it can seem as if our entire democratic system is under threat. […]

Yashar Programme – Goldman Sachs

As part of Hasmonean’s Yashar Programme, some of our lucky Sixth Formers were able to spend a day with Goldman Sachs employees. The focus of the day was for the employees to help our students with their employability skills, CV writing and career orientation. In addition, it was a great opportunity for our students to […]

Editorial 8/10/19

Dear Parents, Wishing all parents and students a Gmar Chasima Tovah, an easy fast and Chag Sameach. Looking forward to welcoming all students on Thursday 24th October at 8.35 am. Beis will begin at the usual time at the Boys’ School. Best wishes, Mrs D Lebrett Headteacher