Editorial – 7th May 2020
Dear Parents,
As we mentioned in our eNews editorial last week, we are seeking feedback from staff, parents and students on how the digital launch is working for everyone.
We will listen to all of the feedback from our surveys and refine our online timetable and teaching in the light of it. However, we will need to bear in mind that each family is in a very different position, as indeed are our teachers, and any refinements will need to take this into consideration.
We would really appreciate it if as many of you as possible could complete the parent survey. Even if you don’t have strong feelings on the matter, we would still like to hear your views to ensure that we have a representative view of how online learning plans are being received.
You can let us know about your views here: https://forms.gle/UdDvwqytDaLCqDGH8
We would really appreciate it if you could let us have your feedback by the end of Monday 11th May.
Surveys will be sent out to students and staff separately.
Please note that Kodesh provision will be available as timetabled tomorrow, Friday 8th May. We are deeply grateful to our Kodesh staff for continuing to teach on the May Day bank holiday. Details of next week’s Kodesh programme are being sent separately.
With best wishes,
Mr A McClusky – CEO, Hasmonean MAT
Mrs D Lebrett – Headteacher, Hasmonean Boys’ School
Mrs K Brice – Headteacher Hasmonean Girls’ School
Rabbi J Golker – Menahel, Hasmonean MAT