On Friday afternoon, the Year 8 girls had a very interesting speaker, Nathan Servi from the CST. He gave the girls a powerful insight into what exactly is meant by “antisemitism”. He introduced the subject by presenting the historical aspects of the blood libels and Church imagery from the Middle Ages. This led him to explore Nazi propaganda and the cartoons of the 1920’s and 1930’s, which drew inspiration from earlier anti-Semitic tropes. He concluded by demonstrating that similar themes still present themselves today and spread through social media. He also discussed the dangers of internet radicalisation and extremism.

We heard about the practical work that the CST does in the community and across many different schools, not just Jewish schools. We also heard about practical steps we should take when “out and about” to avoid confrontation and what to do in the event of seeing or hearing any anti-Semitic incident.

It was a very interesting presentation which was interjected with some excellent points from the Year 8 girls, as well as some very poignant questions.