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Editorial 1/10/2020

Dear Parents, As soon as we finish reading the Torah on Simchas Torah, we immediately begin leining parshas Bereishis. And when we make a siyum, the minhag is to start the beginning of the next masechta at the very same celebration. What is behind this? The Torah begins with a ב and ends with a […]

Emunah Bat Mitzvah Tour

So, how did you spend half-term? Five Year 7 students were among participants of the Emunah Mother and Daughter Israel Tour 2020. The trip made a powerful impression on the girls and their mums, who enjoyed activities, sightseeing and visiting some of the charity’s welfare projects, including residential care homes for children who can no […]

Jewish News Competition

The Jewish News, PJ Library and Wizo ran a story writing competition with the theme of ‘Perseverance’. The prizes and the event was sponsored by Mamilla Architecture and Design, a Borehamwood based company. And the winner was… Ariella. Ariella is a Hasmonean student, who was encouraged to enter by Mrs Jacobson, the Director of Learning […]

Girls’ School Choir

The first Jewish secondary inter-school choir festival was hosted by Hasmonean School for Girls on the evening on Wednesday 12th February. Girls from schools such as Tiferes, Beit Jacob and Menorah High joined a rousing chorus of united young women’s voices to create a wonderful atmosphere of achdut. Hasmonean Girls’ sang two songs: ‘One Day’ […]

Yom Iyun

As winter fades into spring, it’s time for a superbly planned Yom Iyun focusing on the Torah and the Environment. Rabbi Bennett created 6 different tracks for the girls to follow, bringing insights, inspiration and illumination with authentic Torah learning to brighten up the end of this half term. He gave a superb shiur about […]

Table Tennis

On Friday 7th February, the Sixth Form leadership team organised a table tennis tournament for the school in order to raise money for One Child Ghana. Hasmonean has built up its relationship with this wonderful charity over the years and we are proud to have raised almost £300 for them to spend on good causes […]

Raffi Berg, Guest Speaker

On Tuesday 11th February, students in the Sixth Form had the honour of attending a fascinating speech by Raffi Berg, an author of an amazing new book about the Mossad secret operation. To evacuate thousands of Ethiopian Jews who had been languishing in refugee camps and the spiriting of them to Israel, the Mossad opened […]

Editorial 13/20/2020

Dear Parent, I was honoured to attend two events recently run by the Jewish Book Week organisers. Together with the sixth formers and various members of staff, I heard Norman Lebrecht speak about his new book: ‘Genius and Anxiety’ and Raffi Berg discuss his book: ‘Red Sea Spies’. It was a truly inspirational experience to […]

Editorial 06/02/2020

Dear Parent, Klal Yisroel find themselves in dire straits in this week’s parsha. Trapped between the Egyptian army in hot pursuit and the deep blue sea, they cry out to Hashem. The Medrash tells us that only on seeing רכוש של מצרים בידם, the wealth of the Egyptians in the hands of the Jewish people, […]

Trip to Imperial War Museum

The Year 10 Hasmonean girls visited a new temporary exhibition at the Imperial War Museum, which was curated by Mrs A Abecasis. Students took part in specially created learning sessions developed for the IWM which focus on the efforts of Rabbi Dr. Solomon Schonfeld and Sir Nicholas Winton to rescue children and bring them to Britain […]