Editorial 14/11/19

Dear Parent,

Hasmonean hosted an evening last week in which representatives from PAJES and the Metropolitan Police spoke to over a hundred parents about keeping teens safe in an increasingly complex world. Although it was a difficult presentation to listen to at times, it was very reassuring to see so many parents take the message of the evening seriously and also to offer support tomembers of our community. More information regarding the evening can be found in this edition of enews.

The safety of your children (our students) is always our priority. Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, when discussing the perplexing account of the akeidah in this week’s parsha, concludes that its purpose was to show Avraham and future generations that G-d is the G-d of life, of purpose, of sanctity. Avraham had the courage to offer up his child as a sacrifice, but G-d wanted something else: life. He wanted Avraham to nurture his child, to keep him safe and to help him to become an ‘independent moral agent with his own dignity and freedom.’

We all share a responsibility to keep your children safe and PG we should continue to ensure that we are successful in ensuring that this happens for many years to come.

Have a good shabbos,

Mrs D Lebrett