Editorial 24.03.2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

Re: Communication Guidelines

We would like to remind you that Hasmonean has guidelines to provide a platform for effective and positive communications between staff and parents/carers. Parents/carers are entitled to expect courteous and timely communications from school staff just as staff are entitled to expect courtesy and respect from them.

This extract from the guidelines outlines the rationale behind them:
Research consistently finds that children achieve more when schools and parents/carers work together. However, the unique relationship that a parent/carer or teacher has with a child might at times lead to differences of opinion as to what is best for the child. Both parties need to appreciate and respect the special skills and insights that each brings to their relationships with a child and understand and appreciate each other’s perspective.

Tension in the parent/staff relationship can arise when both parties are strongly motivated to do the best for the child but occupy fixed positions about how to achieve this. The ability to voice differences of opinion, respectfully and with understanding, is key to a successful relationship and to minimising conflict.

It would be very much appreciated if parents and careers could avoid cc-ing a staff member’s line manager or superior (or a governor) into emails unless there is a specific and valid reason to do so. For routine queries or concerns it would also be helpful if you contacted the relevant member of staff to deal with it rather than starting further up the school’s organisational chain. This not only gives the staff member closest to the matter the opportunity to resolve it but it also prevents bottlenecks further up. However, if the matter relates to a serious concern or requires a middle manager, senior or executive leader to deal with it, then by all means address the query or concern to them. If the Executive Leadership have not managed to resolve your query or concern, then please contact a member of the relevant governing body via l.oskis@hasmonean.co.uk

A link to the guidelines, which are also shared with staff, can be found here: https://hasmoneanmat.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Communication-Guidelines-March-2022.pdf

The contact details for staff can be found on the individual schools’ websites:



We hope that all members of the Hasmonean community will find the guidelines helpful.

With kind regards,


Mr A McClusky, CEO, Hasmonean MAT
Mr Y Halberstadt, Chair of Local Governing Body Committee – Boys, Trustee of Hasmonean MAT
Mr S Blumgart, Chair of Local Governing Body Committee – Girls, Trustee of Hasmonean MAT