Editorial 04.11.2021

Dear Parents,

Rabbi Lord Sacks z’’l, in his commentary on this week’s parsha, Toldos, quotes the Netziv who wrote about the relationship between Yitzchak and Rivka. He explained that they sometimes found it difficult to communicate with each other during critical moments and, as a result, there were times when there were unforeseen consequences as a result.

Communication is the key to ensuring that a society works and, as a famous Chinese proverb states, ‘a lot of problems in the world would be solved if we talked to each other instead of about each other.’

The Year 10 boys were involved in a day of communication last week when they went to Saracens Rugby Club for the day for a Wellbeing Immersive Experience. It was an inspirational day when the students were able to interact with a range of speakers about a number of important topics relevant to their lives, both currently and in the future. My thanks go to Ms Benarroch and the HIPE team for organising this event and ensuring that it was a truly successful day. We hope to offer more of these days to other year groups over the course of the academic year.

Wishing you all a safe and relaxing Shabbat,


Mrs D Lebrett
Hasmonean High School for Boys


Dear Parents,

Re: Chomesh L’Chinuch (CLC)

We are delighted to announce that we have received another very generous grant from Chomesh L’Chinuch (CLC) in their sixth allocation of funds to North West London schools to help towards our annual funding shortfall. This continues to be an incredible initiative within the community and we are hugely grateful to everyone involved.

Chomesh l’Chinuch is a shul based programme set up with a long term goal to cover the annual shortfall faced by NW London Jewish Schools. If you are a member of one of the CLC shuls (click here to see the list) please do join the scheme and encourage your family members to join. You may also join as an individual prior to your shul signing up. Details can be found here.

We would like to take this opportunity to encourage you to make your Chiyuv Chinuch contribution a priority in order that we hit the target of £4.1 million this year. Sincere thanks to those parents who have already paid or have set up regular payments.

Yours sincerely,


Mr A McClusky                          Mr G Swabel
CEO, Hasmonean MAT          Chair of Trustees, Hasmonean MAT

(Rabbi Bixenspanner presenting Gary Swabel with the cheque)