Editorial 25th June 2020

Dear Parents,


On Wednesday, to mark their virtual graduation in the evening, Mrs Paster, Mrs Hamer and the Informal HIPE team organised a special treat for the Y13 girls. A float was hired and decorated with a banners and balloons and it went round to every girl’s house. Each girl was presented with a box of goodies and a short speech was made in her honour to the accompaniment of music from the float. The event was carefully choreographed to ensure that social distancing was maintained and the staff followed the float in their own cars.  The sun shone and the delight on the faces of the girls and their parents spoke volumes about how important this gesture was to them which was funded from private donations and the HIPE budget.  The day ended with a very successful graduation event on zoom with live speeches and a beautifully constructed video put together by Hannah Benaim, the outgoing Head Girl, and her friends. This was composed of good wishes from the teachers, the girls’ memories  of their time at school and good wishes from some illustrious celebrities.


It was really inspiring to see how a thoughtful gesture could have such an impact and huge thanks are due to the members of HIPE- Racheli Wagner, Shira Rabson and Hodaya Schiff for their tireless energy in making this happen under the careful direction of Mrs Paster and Mrs Hamer. A short video of the event can be seen here:



Mrs Katherine Brice

Headteacher: Girls’ School





Dear Parents,


On Tuesday morning you may have received an email regarding voluntary contributions. Due to a computer malfunction, this email was sent to you in error. Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience caused.


Should you have any queries relating to voluntary contributions, please contact Ms J Alleyne via email on j.alleyne@hasmonean.co.uk


Kind regards,


Ms T Luke

Acting Head of Finance & Premises