Remote learning, research informed pedagogy

I came across the website below when I was looking for some information about remote learning. This is published by Sandringham research school which has used a Blended Learning Model since 2014.  In April 2020, they were designated a ‘EdTech Demonstrator School’ with a role to support other schools in their remote learning.  On this site, they discuss the 7 research informed pedagogies for remote learning. They cover the following

  1. Feedback
  2. Formative Assessment
  3. Retrieval Practice
  4. Self regulated learning
  5. Dual Coding
  6. Cognitive Load Theory
  7. Collaborative Learning

The give some practical examples of these along with the theory. It talks about a number of ideas that we have already used but more techniques are also discussed.

I have also added an article explaining their move to Blended Learning as it gives an insight into what can be achieved using technology alongside traditional methods.


Boys don’t try – Rethinking Masculinity in Schools

If you are short of some reading material, I highly recommend this book bu Matt Pinkett and Mark Roberts.  It discusses the fact that many of the ideas that we have been taught at college encourage the boys to behave in such a way that their performance in school decreases. It really made me think and question the way in which I have approached the teaching of boys. Chapters include, peer pressure, mental health , disadvantaged students and the engagement myth amongst others.  Matt and Mark refer to research studies and their own experiences to discuss and dispel many of these myths. It really made me think and question the way in which I have approached the teaching of boys.