Emunah Bat Mitzvah Tour
So, how did you spend half-term? Five Year 7 students were among participants of the Emunah Mother and Daughter Israel Tour 2020. The trip made a powerful impression on the girls and their mums, who enjoyed activities, sightseeing and visiting some of the charity’s welfare projects, including residential care homes for children who can no longer live with their own families.
“I liked it when we went Emunah to in Afula. The children looked happy, even though they had problems. It showed how strong people can be in even the worst situations,” said Maya. Her mother, Jenny added: “Emunah’s Mother and Daughter Tour was as important for me as it was for Maya. The best bit was learning what Emunah does and going to the homes and centres – these are the things that you don’t normally see in Israel.”
At the Afula petting zoo, they learnt that animal therapy is an effective way of helping children who are traumatised or distressed. They enjoyed playing with babies at an Emunah day care centre, but it was at an Emunah high school that everyone was truly shocked. They learnt that some students arrive hungry and that Emunah provides their only hot meal of the day.
Jenny hopes that the trip will help Maya “to appreciate what she has and not to take anything for granted. Emunah does an amazing job and we feel really connected with the charity. The reality is just heart-warming. They are saving lives.”
British Emunah Director, Sharon Dewinter, said: “The next Mother and Daughter Tour takes place from 16 to 21 February 2021. It is suitable for pre and post Bat Mitzvah girls in Years 6, 7 or 8.” To find out more, call 020 8203 6066 or email sharon@emunah.org.uk
Article written by Sue Rifkin (Levy)
PR & Marketing Consultant to British Emunah